

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
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Lets get some ground rules on here. I noticed an earlier thread regarding moderators chirping in on threads but moderators should be impartial. Secondly another thread is regarding some kids being bullied at a training centre and the guy who raises it gets a siege mentality.

I have also read the notice above about personal attacks and unfounded allegations.

The forum is skating on thin ice and i suggest SF Admin has a mentoring or training session with the Moderators to get it sorted.
Maybe you should have checked with admin before posting that bubba, moderators only flag up suspicious posts.
Bubba not a clue here commrade can you give me clue or is this a secret? What have I missed new on here and get lost easy friend
Maybe you should have checked with admin before posting that bubba, moderators only flag up suspicious posts.

Sorry about that but i am new in the last week and that is my opinion of this forum. I feel it has a lot to offer but i may look for somewhere else to spend my time.

I'll now wait to see how many tell me if i dont like it F-Off
There will always be a few on here as anywhere in life who never ever managed to get a grasp of the English language, however there are thousands on here sharing ideas and helping one another to drown out the morons. Look around different sections and get a feel for the place then come back and let us know what you think.
this forum is a vehical for good mate,sometimes voices will be raised but generally the guys are more than helpful me personally iv picked up so many tips and new ideas.be ashame if your input was lost as the forum and the sccr are in the acendancy.
Lets get some ground rules on here. I noticed an earlier thread regarding moderators chirping in on threads but moderators should be impartial. Secondly another thread is regarding some kids being bullied at a training centre and the guy who raises it gets a siege mentality.

I have also read the notice above about personal attacks and unfounded allegations.

The forum is skating on thin ice and i suggest SF Admin has a mentoring or training session with the Moderators to get it sorted.

There was hardly talk of trainee's getting stoned to death for not performing!

This is a scaffolders forum mate. What do you expect - A load of fellas sharing cake receipes?

As for Admin holding a 'mentoring or training session' - It sounds like something Haringey Council would fritter away their money on.

Maybe Admin could advertise in the Guardian for a 'Bi-curious, multi ethnic conscious, scaffolder support co-ordinator'

Should be worth 50k a year.
Opinions may differ bubba but everyones entitled to their own as long as it doesn't turn into a slanging match in which case i'm sure the thread will get locked. Just me chirping in :D
Now now Phil, play nice.:suspicious:
Yeah me to Phill, bi-curious scaffolder had me in stitches, don't know why but I thought of Scaffy right away.:D
Some of the coments from new members are not helpfull.All this does is show anyone looking at the forum that all scaffolders are out for a rant.Try and bring something constructive to the forum.
One thread does not a forum make, as I said look around at the wealth of information on here. Whether you like it or not, this is not Korea and these guy's are part of our industry and entitled to have their say as long as it's within the forum guidelines.
Moderators are forum members as well and have points of view and opinions like the rest of us and are entitled to give them. Just because someone elses opinion differs from our own is'nt a reason for walking away, It's called debate.
Now were debating about having a debate, is this the scaffs forum or prime ministers question time.:D
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