Builders doing their own adaptions


Jul 31, 2010
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We have a site thats been on going for over a year know and the scaffold has been completed for a long time , went to site today to hang some netting only to find that the site manager has had the labourers adapting the scaffold to suit some brick work , he has struck a lift and re-erected it.
My question is how to approach this as i have an inspection due Thursday
1. Do i just say nothing ( they are good customers)
2.Do i put it on the report ( will make the manager look like a cu nt)
3.Do i pull the site Manager on his own ,then put the thing right my self

Just makes me angry that the same company issues yellow cards for non compliance over not wearing safety glasses or shorts
if not to much to adapt it back to good, do so but tell the agent he owes you a favour, and get him to make you a brew. If regular work, shame to bin it for that, but make sure he knows not to make a habbit of it?
Take photos of the evidence of the damage that has been done. Explain to the contractor that by law he has committed criminal offence. Then let him know the costed to make the job safe. You must make note of it for the record, best way is by email.
He obviously has his own agenda by issuing yellow cards it makes him look like he is doing his job properly if its a regular occurence then Act.
If you have a outside inspection procedure and there a reputable company tell them that its not accecptable behaviour and would you expect the correct action in future.
Ask for a regcognition for doing good reliable work a in house award with a photo
I cannot really comment as i dont have my own buisness, but even as a scaff it annoys me that site agent can pull rank when it chooses them.

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Offer his labourers a job.
photographic evidence does not lie always cover your back if this how the agent is behaving sooner or later someone is going to get hurt and that person is going to court.
I will photograph it Thursday , and put it in the report , your right instructor someone could get hurt , its the "what suits" attitude that annoys me most.
If he's a proper site agent he should hold an smsts cert at the least.In which case he knows adaptions/tampering is a no no.
An email would not be considered evidence of a recorded complaint in law. It would have to be a written and signed company letterhead.Recorded delivery.
Yellow cards :amazed:

we only collect red one's :laugh:

If he's a UKMCG point him towards NASC guidance note SG36 dont with my scaffs

and if he's OK warn him over a brew

if hes a jobsworth record it on the inspection

if hes a cu.nt send it to Head office ftao safety man:D
I'd pull the scaff tag,get the names of the people who did the alterations ask to see their scaffolding cards.Then tell the tit in charge you are getting the HSE down to look at the job.Or better still tell the prik you will have to stop all work on the job until you get an engineers report about any structural problems the alterations have caused.Don't let these pricks get away with it.If it's happened once it will happen again.At the end of the day that's what we get paid to do that's why we need more cards than a pack to do our job.This prik is saving money having his **** head labourers doing our work.I hate people like this.I never touch other trades work yet every trade wants to mess about with our work.Don't let them!! Just my opinion of course!!!
Phill, in this present climate i'd be inclined to bite the bullet( seeing as their good customers) although i would certainly bring it to the agents notice this practice is unexceptable and therefore not to be repeated. good luck
I'd pull the scaff tag,get the names of the people who did the alterations ask to see their scaffolding cards.Then tell the tit in charge you are getting the HSE down to look at the job.Or better still tell the prik you will have to stop all work on the job until you get an engineers report about any structural problems the alterations have caused.Don't let these pricks get away with it.If it's happened once it will happen again.At the end of the day that's what we get paid to do that's why we need more cards than a pack to do our job.This prik is saving money having his **** head labourers doing our work.I hate people like this.I never touch other trades work yet every trade wants to mess about with our work.Don't let them!! Just my opinion of course!!!
He's right.
By having other trades or labourers adapting scaffolds, they are not only causing a potential safety hazard, but are trying to take a few bob out of your pocket as well.

I think the site agent, he's a cheeky tw&t!
Definately a quite stern word in his lughole, make it look like you're trying to protect him as well and tell him it musn't happen again, that way, hopefully he'll see the error of his ways and give you more work for handling it in a professional way
Call him an interfering git and stop the job until you've put it right, signed it off and charged him for it. It's called revenge of the scaffs.
put it in your report good customer or not would they cover your arse if something when wrong mate.
i believe that you would be held accountable to the law and it's mechanics,, had you have committed foul play and bad practice. with that said, only you alone must make the decision on how to deal with this pleb. and it must be 3 fold. document the evidence of said alterations, in accordance to practice, (put in back pocket) arrange sit down with site agent (a brew) tell him your position (how pissed off you are: in a nice way 1st) I know this chap is your customer, he'l do it once, he'l do it again....
Tell him you want paid for the alteration, place your sales book on the table, awaiting signature. The underlying problem is he has shown you no respect, and in the office is where you have him by the balls... diplomatically squeeze him.. don't go on the back foot with him. if he is non compliant (hardnut) pull the tag on the job and call his office, and air your grevience. cover your own arse....and make your mark. :)
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