Bs. 5973 : 1993

TG20 aint it ?? Or EN74 or the like
You handover to the law, work at height regulations 2005. However if you are looking for the 5973 replacement it's TG20:08
BS EN 12811-1: Temporary works equipment Part 1: Scaffolds Performance requirements and general design.

---------- Post added at 07:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

You handover to the law, work at height regulations 2005. However if you are looking for the 5973 replacement it's TG20:08

NASC TG20:08 - Guide to good practice for scaffolding with tubes and fittings. This gives guidance on the implementation of BS EN 12811-1. Volumes 1 and 2.
There is a new supplement out for TG20:08, it came out in the last three weeks. It's because the wind code has changed.
There is a new supplement out for TG20:08, it came out in the last three weeks. It's because the wind code has changed.

Is that the Technical Guidance regarding Tube and Fitting Scaffolds on the moon
What's the 181 Phil, how long you been scaffolding, daft c**t.
You lot can talk a good scaffold, but can you f**k as like put it into practice, "that will do" is all I ever hear.
What's the 181 Phil, how long you been scaffolding, daft c**t.
You lot can talk a good scaffold, but can you f**k as like put it into practice, "that will do" is all I ever hear.

There's no need to be so aggressive.

If you're really interested, 181 was my Nan's house number. I've been in the scaffolding industry 20 years this October and yes, I'm not bad at scaffolding in practice....
What's the 181 Phil, how long you been scaffolding, daft c**t.
You lot can talk a good scaffold, but can you f**k as like put it into practice, "that will do" is all I ever hear.

Take that you soft southern ***** PSML


---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------

is that a 1 lbs of cheese in his shorts or what :eek:
You handover to the law, work at height regulations 2005. However if you are looking for the 5973 replacement it's TG20:08

not wanting to sound like a c##t, under wahr would the lift not have to be free from gaps because of the chance of something rolling down the gap i.e end users tools, as in the gap between the boards at the inside standards. I've got wahr quoted in rams package for with sg4:10 for erection purposes but hand the job over in compliance with HSG150:131. ADVISE please cause i've just had my handover books re-printed!! cheers.
not wanting to sound like a c##t, under wahr would the lift not have to be free from gaps because of the chance of something rolling down the gap i.e end users tools, as in the gap between the boards at the inside standards. I've got wahr quoted in rams package for with sg4:10 for erection purposes but hand the job over in compliance with HSG150:131. ADVISE please cause i've just had my handover books re-printed!! cheers.

Couple of bits of clarity here;

Inspection and handover of scaffold is covered by regulation 12 of the work at height regulations.

BSEN 12811/1 states the gap between work platform and inside boards is 25mm, TG20 states 50mm to incorporate a standard other wise you would have to fill the gap in at all times even though the underneath of the scaffold could be blocked off.

If there is a chance of stuff falling on people below from that gap of 50mm then it should be risk assessed and ply covers in place or some of the scaffgap stuff on the market.

---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------

HSG150 is what it stands for Heath and Safety Guidance 150 not law. Your handovers if audited not stating work at height regs 2005 may give you a non conformance.

---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

I would google hsg150 or check on the Hse website to see if it is still current with the 2007 changes to CDM
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