broke my leg


Apr 21, 2010
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afternoon lads , broke both bones in my right leg last sunday night. been in hospital till wednesday. only been given a cast. the swelling is that bad that i'm not going back to hospital till next friday, that's twelve days since the accident. doctor won't decide untill then if he is going to operate and fix with plates or just put another cast on. he says that i will be off work for anything between 2 - 4 months. I run a small outfit (only three of us ) and i'm the only driver !!.
The max my insurance will pay out is £3000 , which wont even cover my expenses. I've been away with the fairys all week on morphine and it's only starting to make sense now. Moral of the story :- if you run your own firm or are self employed , you can never have enough insurance !!!!
Time for another shot of morphine me thinks.
Sorry to hear that stiller, No useful advice here,all the best on road to recovery.
All the best on your road to recovery stiller, just think of all the jk you'll be watching cos theres feck all else on during the day.
Bad luck that stil mate, I broke my arm and my ankle over the years and the best advice I can give ya is make sure it's fully healed before ya come back it sounds obvious but I worked with a cast when I done my wrist and was in a cast for 5/6 months because of it and with my ankle I lost a further year ( had 3 ops in total) because I went back after 4 months after breaking it

I know the £££ situation hurts but it's better to lose a few months than losing ALOT more £)£££ over say a year good luck buddy
cheers lads , you'r right it's going to be a long road to recovery. Been on the spanners for 29 years now and not even a broken finger , but this has made me start to think about giving it up. if it wasn't for my second man being my son i probably would . But hey mortgage to pay , vat, tax ,and finding another scaff/driver and someone to cart me around to price work it's going to be harder than usual.
Really sorry to hear that stiller , iam in the same position as yourself and has always been a worry if i was to have a serious accident , and for that reason i have a large personal insurance policy.
I hope you can hold it all together mate and get well soon.
Them policys are ok phil until u try & claim on em then they just wanna mug u off.
Stiller av u not got any mates that could step into the breach.failing that you'll av to hire a driver in to get the spanners can allways go withem & point in the direction & shout alot...they prob wont even notice u broke it lol
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Its the same with all insurance SP they just dont want to pay out and will find any excuse to not pay :(
Eh phil was solo out brixham yesterday & nearly got caught raiding their pots 3 massive crabs & 2 lobbys lol
southern , my brother just let me know that he will come and work for me for three weeks starting tuesday. He's one of the best scaffs i have worked with but he got out of the game about six years ago . He's actually jacked his job in to do this but only for three weeks before he starts up on his own as a groundworker. as for the shouting and pointing , you must know me lol !!
Eh phil was solo out brixham yesterday & nearly got caught raiding their pots 3 massive crabs & 2 lobbys lol

:laugh::laugh::laugh: they get the proper hump as well if you go anywhere near there pots , was you on dive kayak ? iam really struggling to get wet this season
the lads are taking a few students up to stoney cove next month and can you believe i started getting excited about going now how sad is that :laugh:
Lol phil prefer vobster to stoney as its not like diversoup lol..but yeh toom the yak out only had a 10lt cylinda as well but crackin vis @ 22m shoulda seen the looks i got from the crews as i paddled back into the harbour & offloaded my goodies.they were looking at me knowin i'd been at the pots lolol but the lobby i just picked em up off the seabed Mmm.

Stiller thats really good news m8 allways nice when you have familiy or friends to help u out ...u never know he might even wanna stay wiv ya...thankfully my son holds the fort for me..especially if the weathers good for diving lol
I thought vobster closed a couple of years back , i could be wrong though i better go have a google
I thought vobster closed a couple of years back , i could be wrong though i better go have a google

No m8 it changed hands but is goin strong much better than drivin all the way to stoney i sometimes use it as a start to the wkend if divin with someone new - couple of dives sat mornin b4 short trip to swanage for the rest of the wkend
Dont worry Den you will be doing plenty of ducking and diving when you go to Millwall :laugh::laugh:
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