British jobs for British worker

British Jobs for British Workers

There should never ever be any doubt that any job created or advertised in Great Britain should go to somebody British first.

If....and only if..... a British worker with the appropriate skills can't be found, should a new job go to someone from outside our shores.....and even that means that there hasn't been sufficient training available.

Two thirds of new job vacancies are currently being filled by foreigners.....that is a disgusting state of affairs....and those responsible for that (particularly the Blair/ Brown Government of the previous 13 years) should be tried and hanged for Treason. They have tried to destroy our country!

We should never be controlled by the EU......does anyone actually know of anyone who voted to join it?.......I have asked that question of people countless times but never has anyone said yes! Perhaps if somebody did vote for it they were too ashamed to admit it?

We really do need to take our Great Britain back for the sake of our children, grandchildren and those that come after us.......our ancestors fought and died to keep this Country for us......and look how we have thanked them.....:(

Yes the Brits should be in the front of the Q for............................


But our politicians have over the years had different ideas

Cheap foreign labour being one of them,keeping our wages down and instilling fear into the lads that are in work

There was no referendum on us joining the EU, we (the people of a so called democracy) were deemed too thick to understand the issues
and the politicians looked after our interest for us.
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100% agree.

Who do Politicians really represent?
Is it the average Working Class?
Is it fukk...

They REALLY represent the people to provide financial/legal support for their election campaigns, ie: Middle-Upper Class.

  • The people who want the foreign workers here.
  • The people who want the average wage to drop.
  • The people who want to fear/scare us, into working in shiit conditions.
  • The people who dont care what our hospitals are like (as they use private clinics).
  • The people who use private Schools, so they dont care how bad our education system is.
  • The people who live out in little villages or trendy private inner-city estates, who dont have to live with the 'riff-raff'.

To them, us - the ones who really keep this country ticking over - The construction workers, factory workers, police, teachers, nurses, truck drivers, and so on, you know... Us Working Class 'Scum'.

They want to keep us down, apparently where we belong.
Pricks they are, imo.

This country dont give a **** about us or how we've bled, swet and cried to make this county GREAT.
The Politicians only care about lining their own pockets and handling as much dirty cash as they can be offered. - Pure curruption at its finest.
were can i purchase one of those t shirts charlie.
this country is fecked as jason states the powers that be and big business are only out to line their own pockets.
the only time they give a **** aboot immigration is when some somali with 10 kids gets the mansion next door in knightsbridge[/payed for by us the taxpayer:mad:B]
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