British jobs for British worker


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Oct 30, 2010
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Under the Government’s new e-petition rules the Commons backbench business committee must consider allotting time for a debate on any campaign that attracts more than 100,000 supporters.

Who will build the the nuclear power station in the Uk ?

British works ? This is not just about scaffolders but a trades and I think the 100,000 supporters would be no problem to force the government to act before it's to late
Will look in to it

was thinking along the lines of bring back the 10p mix up and the bag to be as full as it was when we where kids LOL

but honestly i will look in to it
Andy define british workers.....
Ive met lots of people in this country with british passports that are not British...well not born here at least....the trouble is that the british govenment and all those who voted them in DO NOT see a boarder within Europe and/or any commonwealth country as anyone from them with an english parent or grand parent get a british passport as soon aas they ask for one. And lets not forget anyone who is married to a British subject after a short period also being entitled to the same national status.
Besides if they do decide to play along and stop non british workers from working here most of us will not have a doctor or nurse in hospital. the mini cabs will never come at all and I wont get served in my local pub
I'll add my signature if it gets set up
British workers should at least have 1st priority
I dont have an issue with non British workers. I have more of an issue with non British people claiming social state handouts and housing. How about British benifits for british workers
British homes for British workers
No contribution to NI then no national benifit..this includes the Im not rasist
if we can get this through then you will find a big change....spaces in schools for British kids...shorter hospital waiting lists for british people. more benifits for those that have paid in..let those who have never contributed live with their mum and dad so they have to pay for them and not the state. You will be amazed how many people will start looking for work then. and all those that can't speak English will vanish over night.
And the British youth might start to speak english again and not wot it is now init? and get a fcukin job and start earning
Andy define british workers.....
Ive met lots of people in this country with british passports that are not British...well not born here at least....the trouble is that the british govenment and all those who voted them in DO NOT see a boarder within Europe and/or any commonwealth country as anyone from them with an english parent or grand parent get a british passport as soon aas they ask for one. And lets not forget anyone who is married to a British subject after a short period also being entitled to the same national status.
Besides if they do decide to play along and stop non british workers from working here most of us will not have a doctor or nurse in hospital. the mini cabs will never come at all and I wont get served in my local pub

I can put up with that
This post is nothing to do with whites , blacks or what ever coloured road people want to go down. What i am stateing is that we can now challange the goverment if we can raise 100,000 signatures, they then have to hold a public hearing and discuss the said protest. I.E when the new nuclear power stations start the companys that get the contract have to take british local labour first, if they are bringing any other work force they need a work visa even from europe.
Ive seen an advert in one of the daily papers for a right to vote against continuing to be part of Europe. If this is true and enough British people stand up and vote we could in time take back some of our dignity from those useing our goverment officials as puppets and get some decent law and order and social structure back to a country that was once a strong leader in the world economy.
GREAT BRITAIN were has she gone?
This would then create jobs within our land for british companys to build and develope our construction industries thuse keeping the good old pound were it belongs!
This post is nothing to do with whites , blacks or what ever coloured road people want to go down. What i am stateing is that we can now challange the goverment if we can raise 100,000 signatures, they then have to hold a public hearing and discuss the said protest. I.E when the new nuclear power stations start the companys that get the contract have to take british local labour first, if they are bringing any other work force they need a work visa even from europe.

Andy I never mentioned colour anywhere.......Please dont put words in my I said non english speaking...I would be more than happy to sign a partition to this weak pansy govenment that is too affraid of lossing votes by sounding to hard lined to take a stand against the poncing paracites in this country of ours
British companies SHOULD employ 'their own' ie: British workers first.

But we all know, that companies, in what ever industry are ruled by one thing.

Money rules their actions.
Money rules their opinions.
Money rules their conscience.
Money rules their willingness to employ.

They dont give a fukk about quality of work, health & safety, 'equal opportunites', being fair, honesty, decency, equality or any other pile of shiit that they cram down our throats.

They dont give a fukk about this county.
They dont give a fukk about the future of this nation.
They dont give a fukk about the youth of today.
They dont give a fukk about hard working people, struggling to make ends meet.

They care ONLY about profits and how they can increase their massive profit margins.

Unfortunately, this means employing people for peanuts and getting them to work like dogs.

Foreigners are willing to do that.
We are not.

Until these companies and their owners stop being so fukking greedy, then there will never be such a thing as - 'British jobs for British workers'.

Its b0llocks and its not fair, but its how things are now days... :(
Here here andy i have long argued over this issue.
I would also like to add that these new build contracts should all come under the naeci blue book agreement
this will protect local jobs and force any eu workers to be given the same leave patterns and then of course deem them too expensive to employ
british jobs for british workers
no british benefits to british shirkers
When Britain won the Olympic bid and the current site chosen,a lot of promises were made that locals would get priority for jobs available. 60,000 eastern europeans moved into the area,and became.....locals.
was told that 3 years ago by a young scaff from gillingham,no londoners on the job as you say.
as happy says naeci agreement is the way to go,local men first then travellers and if we cant get out of the whole eu shitehole the agreement protects local men and the indigineous brits to a degree although it doesnt stop them using local addresses:mad:
Had a mate tried to get his electicians company in there at the start,but was already controlled by others.. With the rebuilding of Wembley,and all the problems that followed. Built by Aussie company, but services had to be signed off by Brits. You all know that everything was underated so cost a fortune to replace. Wonder if the same will happen in Docklands
wel sied Ikram

hope you are well old chap, and observing your fast

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

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"Who will build the the nuclear power station in the Uk ?"

Our European Partners from France, they have the experience and know how,Think they have about 40 nuclear plants now, shame since we built the first working nuclear power plant back in the 50s think we have around four now

But He Ho we are getting better at building windmills to generate electricity, does it matter that they are a bloody eyesore and cost a fortune to build and operate :mad:

Always wondered why we put Windy Miller out of work with new fangled technology :unsure:


Guardian 20July 2011

"EDF, the French company at the heart of plans to build a new generation of nuclear plants in Britain, has admitted that a similar plant being constructed in France is going to take almost twice as long and cost nearly twice the anticipated price.

The European pressurised reactor (EPR) at Flamanville, in north-western France, is now expected to open in 2016 and cost €6bn (£5.2bn) instead of the original starting date of 2012 and a cost of €3.3bn.

EDF said last year that Flamanville had fallen behind its original schedule but insisted it would be ready to generate electricity in 2014 and cost €5bn.

A spokesman for the French company said a 2018 start date for new British plants could be adjusted but there was no reason to assume the £20bn plans for Sizewell, Suffolk, and Hinkley Point, Somerset, would be hit by similar problems as those seen in France.

,"The experience at Flamanville is invaluable as we progress in the UK. Each time EDF builds the EPR, our expertise increases. We are already seeing the benefits of the experience from existing projects" he said.

But Friends of the Earth (FoE) said the latest delays to nuclear would only make wind and other greener technologies more competitive. "Britain's energy future is definitely renewables," said Simon Bullock, FoE's economy campaigner."
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nice post rigger,as i have stated in posts before i think that scottish and southern.and british gas are the only 2 british owned power generation companies left so no doubt the germans and the french will try to bring their own expertiese.
this was an opportunity that this country had to prove to the world we can do it bigger better and more cost effective to the world,but then again this is the uk,not great britain we dont care about our own have no pride and obviously no self beleif:cry:
ikram good to hear from you again,its guys like you that put the GREAT BACK IN GREAT all for multiculturalism as the recent riots have proved we need more different types of people to make the country work:notrust:
great post andy,but as stated by the hugenoet not the kind of feed back it deserves.I WANT THE BIG BUCKS JOBS BUT I DONT WANT TO MAKE A STAND FOR IT.this country all over i thought scaffolders were outspoken,and vociferous but oviously not:mad:
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