
Aug 5, 2010
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Consultant Scaffolding Manager AG&P Philippines
Has the offshore survival course been toned down. When I first did it it was all deep breaths, getting the windows out upside down, going through burning buildings that were actually on fire. Last time over 10 years ago it was all rebreathers, no windows or upside down and building with a few smoke flares. What's it like in 2013?
MR WORLDWIDE i first did my survival in 1990 and the fire training was real fire training running a hose up a tower,in a real building with real smoke.
My last refresher as was the last few since 2001 are tamed
BUT I HATE THE REBREATHER i was nearly failed because i HATE THE REBREATHER and PANIC because i cant get it into my head that i am supposed to breathe with that fecking thing on:eek:
The rebreather is the worst part of the course as its not natural to breath under water
I didn't mind the re breather. A funny sensation at first. The pressure of the water makes it easier to breath in but harder to breath out. Before I knew it my lungs were full.
Still remember tumbling out the chopper as it went on its side. You were supposed to wait until it turned upside down then count to 3, ,aye that will be right, I had the belt unclipped before the guy had finished talking. ;)
from memoery i never did the count but nowadays with that shiitbreather they want you to wait till the water is at your chin then they spin
feck that in oot the plastic window;)
Exactly. I think the count was to simulate waiting for the pressure to equalise before booting out the Window. Still think screaming like a girl and tumbling out the thing before it hits the water is the best way to go. :embarrest:
I did it about 9 weeks ago very tame course only class room work mainly
So no real fires, HUET etc? I wonder what the thinking behind making it classroom based is?

---------- Post added at 07:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 AM ----------

I can remember when you did the breathing apparatus escape through the burning containers they used to check the air used to gauge if people could do it again. Those who didn't have enough air left were considered to have been panicking and thus breathing heavily.
Wasn't the count to allow for the rotors to stop else you would be chopped into mincemeat?
I admit I enjoyed the real fire fighting, escape from burning platform and the water stuff.
Just wondered if any members have done it recently?

Not when I did it but like most things, they change their thinking from time to time. The rotors are now designed to break up on impact, as opposed the old chinooks that would hit and cut through the cabin like a tin of sardines. There is a guy from my way who was the sole survivor of just such an incident years back and to date has never spoken about it.

So when the choppers going down or the rigs ablaze you can whip out your clipboard and risk assess your escape plan:laugh::laugh:

Exactly BF, I have also kept in mind, the only guys to get off the Piper is the ones who ignored their training at the time and did their own thing.

The fire fighting training has been a joke for years now. I did the old smoke filled rat run to begin with can't remember the exact year. That was just macho BS and needed changing, as what they learned from making men sick is beyond me. I did my last refresher around 2000, straight off the rig and desperate to get home, raging that I was stood in a freezing Aberdeen airport being asked to put out a fire in a tray.:mad:

I tried to hide at the back but the guy spotted me and asked me to spray the fire with powder. Like a spoiled wee school boy I squeezed the trigger without pulling the pin and they had run out of extinguishers, they weren't best pleased but they never asked me to do another one.
I just did the refresher this week (FOET) & although the fire fighting part has been tamed down is no BA use just smoke hoods, the helicopter escape part has not.
Escape form a fully submerged simulation is with the windows in & fully capsized is also with the windown in.
Previous refresher had windows out for the capsize.
I had my refresher last month. No real flames this time, just disco smoke. Real fire last time. Cant even jump in from the 10ft level, have to step off the poolside due to Health & Safety. Fooking joke.
Maybe the real flames were too dangerous?

The person to ask, cos he has literally just done BOSIET, is..... JASON GIBBS but I daren't mention his name... oops, I did.

maybe if I say it 3 times he'll turn up like the Candy Man or Beetlejuice!



:eek: :bigsmile:
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