Better Tax

Hi everyone,

Whilst I feel that this will end up being a carbon copy of countless threads titled 'Bettertax' or 'tax advice' et al, I'll once again try to address the concerns & questions raised, as best I can.

MrC - Whilst you posed it, your question wasn’t aimed at us. What I will say is that what you'll find as this develops is that most will support us & others will write horror stories about us, well 'our type'. What's most interesting about the split, is that the vast majority of people who champion us, have used us, whilst those that don’t, haven't. Make of that what you will.

You can see what people think of us here Accountant in Buckingham (UK) - Bettertax Tax Refunds where we hold a 5 star rating & are independently ranked 1st out of 2249 accountants.

SSE is right. If people can’t back up the certain claims they've made whilst under investigation, they will have to pay the back the specific amount due for those expenses. We will ALWAYS pay back our part of the fee inline with the client.
JM. The reason we couldn’t give you a figure is because we don’t know how much you've earned, how much you've paid in tax, any benefits you may have received & of course expenses you've incurred. This is evidence, if any were needed, that we don’t suggest what people should claim for or work on 'safe claim quotas'.

We claim back only the allowable expenses our clients have incurred. All clients are told in both our T&Cs & in no uncertain terms at the start of their expenses call that they should never claim for anything they would be unable to substantiate if asked to do so by the tax office.

BF, there is no 'safe claim quota' or 'expenses ceiling'. Regardless of how much or little you claim, you may be investigated. We had a 17 y/o that earned less than £14k & had expenses around 5% of his income that was investigated last year. Obviously if your expenses are a huge proportion of your income, you can expect to be investigated but ultimately, they are random.

Think it’s worth mentioning that we have our own dedicated investigations specialist in house, who will manage the entire process for any client brought into an investigation.

Like all of our other additional services, we provide this completely FREE of charge and again, will always pay back our part, should any money be due back to the tax office. In many cases, we've actually got our clients more money back following an investigation.

HH, as I've already stated, we would never tell people what they should claim for, only advise them on things they can & cant from a legal perspective when asked. Again, we don’t work on category quotas or expenses ceilings...unlike other accounts, which I'm pretty sure are being used by people in this very thread.

We are a sponsor of SF but don’t get any special treatment, whilst contributing both time & money towards this platform with no guaranteed return. We don’t hard sell on here & nobody is forced to ask for our advice, we're just here if you need us, whether you be a client or not.

As a result, I find it rather disappointing that the same people wade into every thread related to us (of which there has been many) spouting the same ill-informed, misleading & potentially slanderous rubbish every time. It's like Xmas morning for VLLB every time he spots one.

If anyone wants to take the time to look through other threads about us or tax, you'll find that us aside, the most prominent poster will be VLLB, who despite never using our services for a tax return, seems to know everything about us & feel the need to flame us at every opportunity.

What's interesting is that even after countless unprovoked attacks on us, VLLB was happy to pro-actively seek and indeed receive our advice (which we gave professionally and of course for FREE) on here whilst actually being shafted by his own accountant. Go figure?

Anyway, hope this helps & if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask or better still, give us a call on 01280 821020.

Cheers, Ricky
Thats VLLB all over mate. Always stirring things up about that Canadian firm no one is allowed to mention the name of. Always spouting on about Dubai when he has only had a cheap week in a rubbish hotel on the Palm. I still cant believe he won funniest post of last year.
You and your fellow tax consultants are like Maggie Thatcher I am afraid. Loved by some, loathed by others but where would we be without you!!
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