How the devil are you son? I only showed you good things. The greatest Scaffolder ever was the one and only Frank Warwick a legend and superstar, he is sadly missed by all who knew and worked with him.
Mick Colton,was brogans foreman in Ireland.. think he's with Hertel over their now.... Top bloke and not much he doesn't know about the game worked with him on Whitegate IPP.
Also Ger Crowley another Top bloke good lads to pick up 'nacks'. Ger was a foreman for kiers good few years ago now in Ireland.
dai williams why the devil not hes fast knows everything there is to know and showed me everything i know and hes 66 n still going and quicker than the majority off young lads today.
Only if you can throw a Double 80ft in the air and climb up the 14 odd Lifts to catch it, then fix it with a Flat Spanner in less then 3 seconds. :blink1:
Only if you can throw a Double 80ft in the air and climb up the 14 odd Lifts to catch it, then fix it with a Flat Spanner in less then 3 seconds. :blink1:
Going on 2 metre lifts you would need to throw the double up 92 feet and still bend down to catch it. I have only seen this done once by the previously mentioned Roger Nutkins aka The Guru which proves he is the best of the best.