Bent tube

i used to be a tube straightener and if the tubes were being marked that would mean his rollers are to tight and need adjusting

as regards integrity of tube i was an info member of nasc and they never questioned its validity

dr , deborahs, sgb , palmers all had tube straightened

we used to charge £ 1.20 to straighten a tube so i think it was cost effective

i pick some tube up the other week which was badly marked bought a job lot and there was a bout 10 legths which i would say was no good to put on a job because of this if thats what it do to tube i think i will keep to cutting it down.
Tim i see owen is sellin up on ebay mate !!
cutting it down depends

some companies have 2 to 3 thousand m every 3 to 4 months 70 % being long

you have a guy cutting that down costs its cheaper to get them straightened

as i say rollers too tight .......too loose and its still bent the other end

aom has it correct that if its a good straightener with a decent machine he puts that gear back into circulation and you will not have that spiral groove situation. it does make cost effective sense

its a choice to cut tube down so you take your choice neither is free
aom has it correct

Don't suppose you could repeat that timthumb, I don't think Paddy and Rigger caught it.:D:cool:
the process which you describe is the correct method for straightening scaffold tubes, you will be able to see spiralling marks along the length of the tube, however the spiraling should not indent the tube at all, if you can feel grooves in the tube that has been straightened the machine being used has been poorly set up and the rollers aligned incorrectly.

Cold rolling a scaffold tube through a correctly aligned and maintained reeling machine will not weeken the tube in anyway, as the tube is ever so slightly compressed whilst reeling through the machine. Only by kinking, cutting or applying excessive heat to the tube will you affect the integrity of the steel and weaken it.

We have been straightening scaffolding tube for over 31 years, and have had direct links with the original designers of the reeling machine.

Hope this helps

(National Tube)
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