Hi Matscaff, have had it done myself , not very nice , the way round this for me was , i waited for the next call from the same company/builder to price the next job , for them , told him faithfully i would be there 100% , on agreed start date , and not show up , what joy to see all his lads vans parked there , all the mixers etc and ladders laid out with nothing to start on , and drive past to my other job , then ignore approx 15 calls to my mobile from the builder , eventually i answered and told i totally forgot would promise to do it next day and guess what ., yeah i forgot again , was nice to drive past again and see all the vans parked outside the same house , doing nothing , figured he had to pay the lads working for him , as not there fault , no scaffold , haha, and a lot more than he owed me