Been knocked, best way of revenge?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
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Only £150 and yes I know its pathetic to want revenge but it feels like principle now to me.

I run my own company, small granted.

I don't want to get into the ins and outs of what this prick has done, but I've ended up one and half out of pocket on a 650 job.

I've spoken to a few mates who'll send a 'message' but the wife thinks this is a bad idea.

What other way can I get to him?
If it was a price agreed on a verbal agreement not a lot really apart from giving him one in the chops why did he bump you did you cause any damage
I would sooner let him have one in the chops than go through the hassle hswt people like can make your life a misery I use to get great satisfaction letting a right hander go especially if they are known for it .
I would sooner let him have one in the chops than go through the hassle hswt people like can make your life a misery I use to get great satisfaction letting a right hander go especially if they are known for it .

I know where you are coming from SCC. But times have changed. You only have to look at how upset people on this forum become after a bit of slagging or **** taking. People are too quick to run to the authorities these days if they get a well deserved slap.
Slash a couple of tyres matty, he'll be more than 150 notes in red after that. A days wage lost plus two repairs.......he he revenge a dish best served cold.
I wouldn't do anything that could get yourself nicked. My advice would be to park outside his house every night after work knock on his door and tell him you will be there every night until you are paid in full. No one likes hassle at home especially if he has kids.
Unfortunately, I think the it's something you are going to have to get used to. Box clever and price your jobs in line with whoever is asking and add more if they have a reputation for knocking.
I wouldn't do anything that could get yourself nicked. My advice would be to park outside his house every night after work knock on his door and tell him you will be there every night until you are paid in full. No one likes hassle at home especially if he has kids.

If he has kids sitting outside his house every night could get you taken to the police station for questioning.
name him to all other scaff companys,then let him try and get a job up,if we all stuck together on this,they would have more respect for us.or just smack him in the jaw,on a dark night.
23% is a lot to have taken off. Have you asked him directly - why? it almost relates to vat! Check out his reason first and see if it can be sorted amicably. If you still feel wronged tell him so and why, then let him know you will always refer to him as a knocking ba***rd and let us all know his name.
Park the lorry in front of his drive when all of his cars are there. Don't let him out until he has paid. This works in two ways he'll not be able to get out and he'll know you know where he lives. Simples.
Unfortunately, I think the it's something you are going to have to get used to. Box clever and price your jobs in line with whoever is asking and add more if they have a reputation for knocking.
You Learn very quick by your mistakes.iam sure you may be able to get it back another time use your loaf ,bad payers allways get charged more as no one else will do there work .
There is loads of these low level knockers out there Gary. I long since learned, there is always another job and another opportunity to redress the balance in the scaffs favour.
I've got round this problem a few time with out them having a aom said there is allways another job .
Drive past one of his jobs and help yourself to £200 worth of gear, an extra £50 for the inconvenience!
A roofer did the same to me awhile back for £100, held it back saying incase we did any damage on striking the job. Then could not get it off him. Ladders always come in handy!
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