well i spoke to bob yesterday.(nice chap on the phone)
I asked 5 issue's heres his reply...
1 - been told that the instructors cards are being removed? reply That is correct I dont want to say much more at this stage until I've spoken with Dave mosley.
2 - been told that the teaching criteria is being altered. you now have to take 12 part 1's before I can shadow a part 2 then take 12 part 2's before shadowing an advanced course.Is this correct? It was going to be but there has been alot concern raised by training centre's so we are looking at reducing this..... What to I replyed...he replyed .....Not sure at this time.
3 was a question for myself
4 - Something about all instuctors/assessors being kept on a database. Except only Dave Mosley has access to this and not training companies. How are they supposed to know im teaching? I carnt answer that at this time until Dave is back from Holiday but everything will be set out in the new CAT book that will be issued shortly.
5 - How do I prove that im able to teach part 1's at the moment. When all I have is my pptls certs my shadowing cert and my Advanced Cisrs card and my A1 assessor award. I carnt answer that question at this time until again ive spoken to dave after his holiday....
I promise I will get dave to phone you upon his return after his holiday in a fortnight.
so as u can see too many chiefs and not enough indians....

Its going to be very bleek for any instructor who is freelance.. Instuctors will only be put on the database when they are working for a accredited centre only.
---------- Post added at 07:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 AM ----------
I just loved podger's post.......
let the industry tell nasc/citb what we want........
about time something was done and fast....