Batten down the hatches!!

Me and my big fckin gob, no sooner had i started this, and the phone was going, ya man on the phone sh1tting him self with the sheets taking a kicking. So went out with one of the lads, and the top 2 lifts on 1 elevation were getting tw4ted. Took those off and hunky dorey, everything was ok. Nearly got the ginger blown off my bollox though, properly strong wind. As i was talking to the emergency planning chap, he told me Some poor bugger had a tree down on his house down the road, and had to be evacuated, the house is all cordoned off now because it's structurally unsound, we past umpteen trees and branches down on the roads and he told me the wind had brought someones gable wall down. Still could have been worse, wouldn't have like to have been one of the crest management last night with Blackpool tower. Fck me i bet those boys had a long night!!
Right lads, anyone in Lancashire/ Northwest, i'm sure your all already aware, but we've got another storm moving in over night tonight, not as strong as Wednesday night but still very windy with 60 -70mph gusts. There is also a load of snow going to be dumped over the weekend, so any other hill billies think on when tha's no weight on't back o't wagon.
Feckin great,i've got 18 temp roofs and six blocks of flats to get up,not only have we got gale force winds but we'll deffo cop for the snow as well because it's on high ground:cry:
It's here already Bigfish


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But I'm going to Barbados next week. I'm going to miss out :(
It's here already Bigfish

Yea,we had it on Monday swifty,i've just left site and it's torrential rain at the moment and the MC's moaning about his programme,to which I replied,take a look out the window,feckin programme's pfft:mad:
I dont know about batten down the hatches ffs i've just driven down to Torquay to see family & we we're nearly blown off the road, they've shut the sea front down due to the storms and most of exeter was underwater as we drove through.
the vans rockin so bad i feel fvckin sea sick & i cant even watch tv cos if i put the dish up chances are it'll get blown off so it looks like a stupidly early nite. But at least we're dry unlike those poor sods that av been evacuated- then to rub salt in the wounds getting looted- bang outta order
Fvck the fence panels i'm more worried about 30ks worth of motorhome being tipped over:eek::sick::(:sick:
Well if the phone goes tonight they can kiss it,i'm sat here with two bottles of my favourite claret,i've had a belly full of this feckin weather,talk about p*ssin in the wind,feck em;)
:love:Claret:love: now we're talkin stevie. The only thing i've found in the van is a cpl of old cans of cider & they aint gonna do it lol. Theres a scaffold accross the road from where i'm parked up & its truely shockin - no ties & tbh very limited materials full stop, & what toe brds are left on it thankfully sedm to be double clipped cos that would really fvck me off to get the van hit by someone elses brd lol.
its stupidly windy here now & we're even moved down from the top pod birth & remade the bed in the dinning area in an attempt to keep the weight & centre of gravity as low as poss but it blowin a hoolie & i'm not expecting much sleep -feel like the little piggy in the nursary ryme trying to keep the wolf out lol
:love:Claret:love: now we're talkin stevie. The only thing i've found in the van is a cpl of old cans of cider & they aint gonna do it lol. Theres a scaffold accross the road from where i'm parked up & its truely shockin - no ties & tbh very limited materials full stop, & what toe brds are left on it thankfully sedm to be double clipped cos that would really fvck me off to get the van hit by someone elses brd lol.
its stupidly windy here now & we're even moved down from the top pod birth & remade the bed in the dinning area in an attempt to keep the weight & centre of gravity as low as poss but it blowin a hoolie & i'm not expecting much sleep -feel like the little piggy in the nursary ryme trying to keep the wolf out lol

Long time no speak Daryl,mate,you cant beat a night in the van in stormy weather,i love it,i even turn the telly off so I can get the full effect lol,mind you,i go even further and disappear into the wilderness on my own fishing in just me bivvy,though the missus has banned me this weekend because of the valentine thing and the fact that i'm uncontactable and she worries(aw bless)but it's my escape from the feckin phone(god,i hate the feckin thing,does my stress levels no good at all)you must be the same mate,anyway as scaffs we know instinctively where not to park our bus,so if you get tw*tted with flying scaff debri,dont come crying on here lol,enjoy pal;)
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