Bad news today


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
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Alright boys fractured my hand last week same old story muppett on the other end of a twenty.Started to pull it up from the floor and i slipped not letting go considering the boy on the floor was texting.Doctor wreckons ill be off 8 weeks but cant afford that so i went back in next day only to find out we needed to hemp 20s all day me and the boss. Have any of you lot ever damaged yaself and had to work? make me feel better and say yes:cry:
Sorry to hear that bollo, next time you go on a site that have banned mobiles you will be able to explain why to the boy's.

The only time I had to work through an injury was years ago I was hungrier than ot/tout and couldn't afford a day off despite snapping ankle ligaments whilst playing indoor football. I just kinda hid though.:cool:
Bolo i know exactly how you feel mate i have worked with injury's and illness and it aint easy to say the least be careful wit the wrist mate you could do a lot of permanent damage to it :)
You should have dropped it on his hand that had the phone in it.
once upon a time i could play rugby,one cold boxing day morning i found out it had past me by .
playing outside half was not my strongest point to be honest ,just when i thougt i was doing well ,thump some young **** hit me so hard i thought a 125 had hit me .
ended up with a hand the size of a football ,dont know how he did that ? but it fecking hert for weeks after .
Working for lyndons at the time GCHQ Cheltenham at the time.
had to go to work ,wife would have fecking killed me if i would have not .
had a big row so i could play you see .
now i dare not run for a bus ,and as for the good old scrapping days ,i couldnt fight sleep these days.
as long as your injury will not directly or indirectly put others at risk...choice is yours all the best
let it heal fully if you dont it wont ever be right take it from me mate let it settle back in you only get one pair,hope you heal quick lad all the best.
Totally agree with celtic pal, I done my wrist years ago and i came in to work to appease the gaffa and my bank, i was asked to do "standby" but was moving ties and trannies all day, (not bondage before you all start) 15 year later and i still get a ganglion the size of a golf ball on my hand in the winter.
and it hurts as bad as fighting at 42:laugh::laugh::laugh:
i know what you mean mate i bust my hand in a scrp years ago lucky for me i worked with a good bunch of lads who carried me for a few weeks that was up in scotland mobil at stfurguss im trying to find any mates that worked up there
whats there names mate ill see if i kan shed sum light for you on any them.they asked me to come in do light duties i said you dont get ANY light duties in scaffolding he then asked what my interprtation of light duties were i pointed to his seat and the pieces of paper on his desk.8weeks playing with files the secrets i found out in those 8weeks my lips are sealed harsco lol.
grant wormsley tommy mcgann jeff corbett jason welford colin martin jeff (lincon)
grant (peterhead)tommy mcgann (ireland)jason (noritch)and a dirty grass of a c""t
called steve rollinson from whitby he got me nrbed if anyone knows where he is now drop me a line thanks boys
A few years after we started our company, I'd been on the razz one weekend and was caught unawares one night when a few of us were taking the cats eyes out of their sockets in the middle of the road. we ran from the scene of the crime and jumped over a wall, and I broke my left leg. Game over for a few weeks you might think. my old man would have none of it, three or four days later I was on the lorry delivering gear to a block of flats we were doing ( had to load up as well).I don't think he paid me either if I remember rightly."It's your own bloody fault for getting caught", he told me... Don't think we'd get away with it nowadays.
Alright boys fractured my hand last week same old story muppett on the other end of a twenty.Started to pull it up from the floor and i slipped not letting go considering the boy on the floor was texting.Doctor wreckons ill be off 8 weeks but cant afford that so i went back in next day only to find out we needed to hemp 20s all day me and the boss. Have any of you lot ever damaged yaself and had to work? make me feel better and say yes:cry:

been there bolo its always some other muppet mate that fooks your working day up ive had a cuplock standard dropped on me fingers and had 2 fingers broken where
there talking and not playing attention yeah and they think its really funny ive also had a muppet put brick guards on the working lift before the handrails
even ready to be errected and ive surfed the lift on them like the olde spice gezzer off the tv always some other muppet bolo let them do the graft you make the tea mate
I had a double hernia op in the beggining of November a long time ago. Doc said "no work for 12 weeks" with xmas around the corner, kids to get presents for, rent to pay and having to live on something like £60 a week. After 3 weeks work was the only option. Same as gaz I had some good pals to help me, netting, bagging fittings, all light stuff.
well all you lot take note from a former farmer
go to your nearest herbalist and by a jar of comfry ointment its dark green and stains but it works, the joints and bones will heal far better
no good for sprains and strains though
Bad news m8, I feel for you, been there myself.

If you boss is a descent enough guy he should cover your wages at least in part if you were injured due to the neglect of duties by another worker.

This sort of stuff gets me really p1ssed off, exactly what another poster said about using phones while working. I wouldnt stand for it and would kick him off site. I would even consider suspending him for a while.
No chance of him paying me joy of being self employed his attitude is i should have my own insurance for when things like this happen and to make things worse he happens to be my daughter god father .
Been in the same boat mate,damaged the nerve in my forearm at start of dec,self employed took weeks to get the social to pay my rent,lucky i had a couple of grand in the bank or xmas would of been a nightmare.
Hopefully i"ll be back in the next two weeks but i"ll definately be getting some sort of private insurance going for the future,had one through work when i phoned up for a claim form they said is it in the accident book(what ffkin accident book) etc so that was a non starter-oh and the social said you cant claim anything as the mrs works part time so ive had to live on 40 quid a week family credit-what the fck do we pay a stamp and tax for,anyway hope you get better soon.
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