approaching new clients, help needed please!!

No harm at all mate. Think about the local building firms and tradesman around where you are, if someone asks about a joiner or brickie almost everyone will know a local firm. That's what your aiming for, you don't have to be the biggest,you've just got to have your name everywhere, people will remember the name if it's everywhere. Bonus boards/scaffold signs, cheap and everyone will see them, van and wagon sign writing, bit more expensive but when it's done, it's getting your name about everywhere you go. see if you can get a sneaky little job up on one of the family's houses and leave it with a sign on it for as long as they still talk to you. Seems like little bits but collectively they all add up. Just be careful what your targeting, small domestics, up and down jobs and your laughing, try and steer clear of the long hires for now, if ya can, you need your gear turning around quickly, to get the redies in for more gear. 20 jobs up and down in the same period as 1 bigger job, means 20 signs over 1, 20 times more chance of someone seeing the name.
I always tell everyone the same,carry on working and build your firm up after work and weekends,at least if you get no work you still have your wages coming in,once you get enough work then you can jack your job in,its long hours and you will never see your family for a while but it is the same as anything,you only get out what you put in,summer is the best time to start up really because it don't get dark til 9pm.
Hello pk52 first of all congratulations on making a big step in your life this is what I did send letters of introduction to every man and his dog,advertise in your local rag,get yourself a listing on do not pay for priority listings as this will set you back 7k its not worth it but they will say it is do not fall for any sales pitches being told if you have this it will generate work keep the wolves away from your door always never use agencies have men on cis and its always best to pay your foot soldiers a little more and a good recommended tip to generate work is ti join glenigan work website this is a very good work website ,glenigan is linked to all local government work authority's for planning permission and this gives you a foot n the door tendering for works before anyone else sees them if they are not on this link if you need anymore info pk I would be glad to help and just remember your selling your business for work so the only thing is to not let other people sell their business to you cash will be tight always offer a good service and never try to loose your rag with clients and always read the small print on tenders because they will try the old chesnut you are supply scaffolding for all areas make sure on your quote you write in what you have tendered for because a lot of companies will try to fek you over on new builds as soon as I put the 1st lift in with loading bay I billed them 70% and the other 30% when the job was finished GOLDEN RULE always try and get you invoices paid on 14 days some people will say were 90 days end of month this will be your company not theirs so don't let them dictate how they are going to pay you on your invoices always stipulate the late payments act 1999 revised 2002 always make them sign the quote before commencing work don't take no shyte do not do mates rates and be very hard nosed but not nasty with it,your in business for you and your family don't let the tale wag the dog all the best scc
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