Apprentice Cards?


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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Has anyone heard of any change to the apprenticeship scheme with regard to labouring cards? We normally card our new starts as soon as possible and use the next few months to gauge if they are suitable to register as apprentices but a client told me today they should have had training even just for their first card.
I have heard this but not seen it in writing yet. I think its for new entrants as in labourers to get their green CISRS card they will have to do a short duration course, not sure what it involves or whether it is an exemption to the H and S test.

Surely not, I laughed at this guy when he told me but thought I'd better check before I made too big a deal out of it. What are they going to teach them in 1 day in Glasgow that I couldn't show them at home?

What about the scaff's, rumours are circulating about refreshers? Would that be the next step swapping the H&S touch screen for a 1 day course at college?
dont get me on that one, i believe that is in the pipeline as well. The Poacher and Celticbhoy will remind me of this i have no doubt.
Why all the changes Ian? I really need 100% carded all the time as we are so small, but a 1 day training course for a labourer would require a load of additional hassle at a time when hassle is the last thing we need I thought we were meant to be heading for less regulation not more. What about C-Skills, would they not think about carding the younger one's first when they do their ability assessment at the local colleges?

Didn't see the refresher coming to be honest and again thought someone had the wrong end of the stick. Again, what's the goal what am I going to learn with a refresher has the properties of steel changed?

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

What about inspections, there has been much debate over who needs these tickets. I have always had the impression we as advanced scaffs don't need them, is that going to change as well?
I was rolling this round my tiny mind for a bit and have come to the conclusion that this if anything will slow the rate of newbies joining our trade. If I were to send all new starts to college there would be a load of young guns down the bru office with a shiny new labouring card as so many have passed through my doors only to be found out a few weeks later. It would certainly put me off but it might be a bit different as you go up the scale to the big boy's who don't require the 100% carded workforce. A step back for the smaller firms I think.
Maby so i crnt see the like of aom bennafiting from the refresher but my firm defantly fomr my point of veiw if you work for a frim thasts up to date so lets say a nasc member or a nasc information member surly theres no need for a refresher as they should be working to nacs rule books but from a firm thats not nacs i think its a good think ti featch in instead of just ya touch screen go do you touch screen and cover the new tg or sg and wt ever but from my point of view a refresher is a good idea
Well said AOM.

You're average new join doesn't last. They're gone with in weeks and if they do well maybe they stick it out a few months. The ones not quite right in the head go on to make it. Whats the point in all the extra hassle for what will be the majority leaving in a short space of time?
Kind off my thoughts as well Scaff89. I like most have a folder full of additional training for all sorts of things. As long as it meant an end to that additional training and the touch screen I think it could well be OK sending the boy's away on a refresher, but if I still had everything else to contend with and this was an additional thing my view could well change.

Still not sure about sending a newbie to college before starting him on site though, I need a 100% carded all the time and have carded a few only to see them fall by the way side but it's manageable when it's just an application but different if you are investing time and cash in them straight away. Maybe some who once would have got a kick at the ball will now not.
Maby so i crnt see the like of aom bennafiting from the refresher but my firm defantly fomr my point of veiw if you work for a frim thasts up to date so lets say a nasc member or a nasc information member surly theres no need for a refresher as they should be working to nacs rule books but from a firm thats not nacs i think its a good think ti featch in instead of just ya touch screen go do you touch screen and cover the new tg or sg and wt ever but from my point of view a refresher is a good idea

I dunno mate, I think the firms that care are clued up already. Cowboys will just ignore it like they always do.
Well said AOM.

You're average new join doesn't last. They're gone with in weeks and if they do well maybe they stick it out a few months. The ones not quite right in the head go on to make it. Whats the point in all the extra hassle for what will be the majority leaving in a short space of time?

Tactics would certainly have to change.
Yas are right the lab cisrs card sounds like a load of dog w4nk who the fek would invest in some 1 they have never seen work? Aye marra jobs your just gponna send ya pm a few courses b4 ya pic up a base plate just so you know what yan is ....awey to fek, but like ya say flinty what happens if i were to stay at my spot for 5 -10 year and go to some were nasc i dont think ad last a day b4 been deemed unsafe to work with and not following guidelines etc if its made compluspry like the cscs then some lads will have half a chance
Another interesting valid point marra.

---------- Post added at 06:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------

So you reckon there are poor firms out there who couldn't give a flying feck about training their men to a standard or generally following any recognised trade standards. I have to agree with Flinty, they will continue to ignore this like everything else. I just wonder the type of site they are working on as we get asked to produce proof of training all the time.
Yas are right the lab cisrs card sounds like a load of dog w4nk who the fek would invest in some 1 they have never seen work? Aye marra jobs your just gponna send ya pm a few courses b4 ya pic up a base plate just so you know what yan is ....awey to fek, but like ya say flinty what happens if i were to stay at my spot for 5 -10 year and go to some were nasc i dont think ad last a day b4 been deemed unsafe to work with and not following guidelines etc if its made compluspry like the cscs then some lads will have half a chance

I did time for rough firm (not implying you work for a dodgy outfit but thats what you made it out like). I work for a NASC company now. With a ticket under your belt they'll take you and you'll be clued up with most of what you need to know in reference to "guidelines" and such. There's plenty of rough 'uns on NASC company's too so you know!

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ----------

So you reckon there are poor firms out there who couldn't give a flying feck about training their men to a standard or generally following any recognised trade standards. I have to agree with Flinty, they will continue to ignore this like everything else. I just wonder the type of site they are working on as we get asked to produce proof of training all the time.

They are out there and we know it. They don't care about anything other than profit and don't even know what SG4 is. They won't even know this came into force if it ever did.
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Another interesting valid point marra.

---------- Post added at 06:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------

So you reckon there are poor firms out there who couldn't give a flying feck about training their men to a standard or generally following any recognised trade standards. I have to agree with Flinty, they will continue to ignore this like everything else. I just wonder the type of site they are working on as we get asked to produce proof of training all the time.

well thats exactly it aom i know for a fact theres firms that couldent give a fek about reconised standards .
99% of the time un less the contractas worth a 10's of 1,000's to them and they simple explaine in the yard b4 you go out to do it how to lol makes me laff like
yeah take that step use it on hand put ya ledger in firstthow b4 ya clip it to the hand rail and use it to put next hand rail in then board out ......... kicker lift there scratching there head. if its compulsory along with the cscs then people are kept up to date and no 1 with a upto date cscs can say well i never new that when did this .the answer well ya got the up todate cscs so you should know and its your responsability as you#ve been trained in it on ya last cscs training day for example might not be possibly to roll that out but form my point of view could only mean better working and safer

---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------

I did time for rough firm (not implying you work for a dodgy outfit but thats what you made it out like). I work for a NASC company now. With a ticket under your belt they'll take you and you'll be clued up with most of what you need to know in reference to "guidelines" and such. There's plenty of rough 'uns on NASC company's too so you know!

get them were ever you go but if the lads no and choose not to do it then thats there own fault if they dont know how they ment to change for the better i only say it as it is and dont actually post that much incase they ever do decide to come on but it nothing i wouldent say tpo them any how lol yeehaaa ya right marra

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ----------

They are out there and we know it. They don't care about anything other than profit and don't even know what SG4 is. Thought won't even know this came into force if it ever did.

thats exactly it marra
Yes you make a good argument for it. It will depend a lot on how it pans out and what exactly it will mean to the training budget. I dare say it may have an adverse effect on the self-employed training instructors though.
aom just a question about your yard do you have to store gas bottles out the way if u got the fork lift dout u have ya got that bigg boom lol also are your fittings in a still or a pen? in terms of the nasc rules if you get me
I do matey and the fork lift is diesel and the fittings are all in separate bins by type and make. Don't think that's anything to do with the NASC either though just good house keeping.
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