Anyone for Gloves?

your right hand used to be like leather but where i havent worked for couple of months gon soft.done a job other day spent half hour pulling timber out of hands
couldnt live without gloves , some women like it ruff most dont , saves wripping ya hands to pieces and yes im a southerner
i was talking to a client who used to be a scaff and he said he always wore gloves but never used a harness :eek: -

you only need one at height tho, dont you?
Wore gloves for 1 firm in uk all of the time due to the fact the boss was that tight he would have charged us hire on all of the splinters we took home in our fanny
It probably is true mate, yes.
The Northern lads are generally too busy breeding whippets, smoking Regal cigarettes, pigeon fancying and appearing on Bullseye, to worry about such frivolous things as gloves...

All are gear for are job's still come out on horse 'n' cart !!
it dont mean yur soft if you wear gloves,ive tried to work wearing them,but they just get in the way,always getting nipped up on,have to undo the fitting again,dont feel the tube properly,get slippy when wet.the list goes on .:D
Cant work in gloves they slow me down and only last 5min take the weight out of a ledger pinch the glove in the fitting ripped already what a waste.

Gloves are usfull for loading up or unloading in the morning. its nice to have breakfast with clean hands
Always where gloves nowadays you only get one pair of hands/dermatitus/weils deases/its not big anymore ;)
Only in the winter up north but not if it's raining!
Always where gloves nowadays you only get one pair of hands/dermatitus/weils deases/its not big anymore ;)

First firm I worked for refused to supply gloves and after much abuse and working in filthy conditions with tube covered in rat p!ss I developed very nasty hand dermatitus, made the skin on my hands peel off. I looked like a burns victim.

Now I've gone SE I supply my own gloves. After what my hands went through I will not work without gloves. There's too much sh!t out there to risk damaging your hands.
Gloves are pretty much basic PPE these days.
Never wore them in the early days, preffered not to, would always wear them now though. Hands gone all soft from keyboard bashing in the office!!

Linden Homes, part of GalifordTry group has gone manditory gloves on all sites from January, in line with Keirs, Morgan Sindall etc

Gloves must also be task specific, graded in cut resistance levels.
Scaff should be able to get away with grade1 (basic) but might need grade 2 for cutting etc.
Where the hell is it all going to end.
so when is all the other trades and sutch,going to have to start toeing the line,as we have to.brickies with gloves on,they will strike.should be optional in my eyes.if like me you are used to working without,being made to wear them is going to make it dangerous for me,as i cant funktion well with them.pain in the arse.leave us be i say,fekin do nowters.
It makes me laugh when you hear scaffolders say I can't wear gloves. Astronauts and brain surgeons don't struggle with them so whats the problem :D
I think when they say they can't Ian they really mean they prefer not to. If that is the case, what's the problem.:D
they get in the way,ie,fittings tightened up on them,cant get a good grip on wet tube when topping out,passing gear up,nowt worse than having wet gloves on and trying to work efficiently.and sure someone will add more.:Dthis is my oppinion,of which im entitled to.:D
It makes me laugh when you hear scaffolders say I can't wear gloves. Astronauts and brain surgeons don't struggle with them so whats the problem :D

True, seen the size of an astronauts glove?? Imagine working in that!

so when is all the other trades and sutch,going to have to start toeing the line,as we have to.brickies with gloves on,they will strike.should be optional in my eyes.if like me you are used to working without,being made to wear them is going to make it dangerous for me,as i cant funktion well with them.pain in the arse.leave us be i say,fekin do nowters.

Obviously my view is biased after my experience, wish Id taken pictures it would make you think twice. Put it this way I was unable to work and that takes a lot... I couldnt pick up a mug of tea because Id lost so much skin.

But I understand what you mean its a shame individuals cant just take responsability for themselves and decide whether to protect their hands and not be ordered.... but its worth protecting them mate seriously. Cant turn a spanner with your feet if your hands are f*cked.
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