Any one no of altask job in ipswitch

alltask ipswich

Orite lads yeah was on that job tens and knockers at weekends
like 9or 10am paid eights its 16.50 n ot rate twenty througj steve woods hes straight down the line clean job
There was on the jobs ive been on for them.
If you get on there, and knuckle down, and move to north Kent, your laughing. ;)

i came into the game with 2 of the directors doug and scott theve both came into directors from the tools both decent lads. unlike most firms altask dont carry sh!t your any good you stay if not you dont probably the only firm in kent that dont carry men
I work for alltask and was on that job a few months ago it wasn't a bad site and as everyone has said alltask are definitely one of the better firms to work for.... When I was there u had Russian Welders and Spanish steel erectors all with their own translators so they could speak to each other
The Cafe opposite is not too bad.
Hey there Dico & Frenchy!!! Come offshore it much better!!! £370 a shift for standing about doing nothing!!!
Part 2, MIST & your BOISET. If you've got more than that its better but there's nothing stopping you getting off with just those 3. You need medical to!!! Work is easy as!!!!
Got first one lol.... But I'm sure there will come a time when I want to have a go offshore, in a couple of hours ill be getting me first taste of pts work so another string to the bow as they say ;)
Hey there Dico & Frenchy!!! Come offshore it much better!!! £370 a shift for standing about doing nothing!!!

glad its working out okay mate no more early starts driving round the country lol!! enjoy mate and stash the cash
Hey there Dico & Frenchy!!! Come offshore it much better!!! £370 a shift for standing about doing nothing!!!

Hope it works out mate good luck I might think about it in a few years time
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