
Mrs was on the case all day, eventually got to speak to the decision makers down south, turns out my suspicions were right, it was one wee nyaff trying to impress his gaffer in Glasgow. The latest promise is all invoices passed today, pay run tomorrow in my account Tuesday. If they stick to it I will need to get the Mrs to chase up all accounts in future, if not I might have to take up Ragscaffs offer of him and Tank in Tufty's mini metro to sort them out.:D

Thanks for all the help guy's especially you neilb, a cool head was the order of the day.
I got e-mail confirmation today about payment, looking good. All that keech about new anti fraud systems turned out to be a load of bull after all.

It becomes even more annoying when it's a minion in the office telling me a load of bull. Somehow I can take it better from the man writing the cheques. I have told my Mrs a 100 times to wait the 30 day's before paying a bill but as she say's it's easier just to pay it right away so you don't have to look at it for ages. Most of our bills get paid before they hit the carpet and if the big boy's put as much effort in to their projects as they did dishing out bull to the subbies we might not be in such a deep recession.
hay got my part2 assment in a week done my part 2 4year ago and im rusty dose any one have any info on it have not bean on tools for a bit help paid cant fal this
The late payment of valid invoices is the main cause of smb,s having cash flow problems :mad:

The Government must get it's finger out and bring in legislation that states that draconion interest rates ( say20% compound)will be applied at 30,60, and 90days to companies that will not pay valid invoices

If a part of an invoice is in dispute the debtor will be oblidged to pay as invoiced the amount not in dispute.The big boys love to question an item of a couple of hundred pounds to with-hold payments of thousands

Try making a late return on VAT or Tax they soon have a fine and interest slapped on you

You wouldn't believe my luck the last couple of weeks, spent almost 2 weeks trying to get payment out of that mob, only to get a demand from your ever friendly tax man for £450 from 2009for paye. He also informed me that he was removing my tax status as cis 6 and will be writing to all the customers I have ever worked for to inform them of the change and to instruct them to start deducting tax at 20%.:mad: We use an accountant too work out all our liability's whom I had assumed had made a mistake, but it turned out the tax man made an error and had not included payments made for paternity leave. Talk about not needing it.:wacko:
aom - your not alone we have had this too in the past !! make sure you appeal it
Don't worry scaffy, appeal already underway. When the accountant queeried it they put their hands up right away and it was themselves that realised it was paternity payments. Still a bit of a nightmare though, even though they know it was their mistake we still have to go the appeal process. If they were a little bit more flexible and informed me of any percieved descrepincy I could have sorted it back in 2009 instead all my customers will know think I'm struggling to pay my bill's and could affect their decision when placing any future order.:mad:


There already is provision for early payment set up with goverment backing, early payment charter or something. There is a web site but you will understand if I don't post a link.:embarrest: The problem is trying to enforce it, even when we call in the debt collectors they struggle to collect any additional charges.

---------- Post added at 03:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

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I have been trying to get my money out of one of the so called big nationals for over 3 months now. Qs was sacked and we had to go through the whole painful process of forwarding information again. That in itself is bad enough but I thought we were starting to get somewhere about a fortnight ago when a new broom came in and again promised if we sent this final bit of information we would be payed that week. This seemed to go on for ever till the final straw came last night when they requested a full copy of my bank statement and a cancelled pay in slip, SHAKSMAFEKINHEID. This is not a delaying tactic but some new anti-fraud system they have in place. Am I being stupid or is this the norm.
AOM if your contract or works last longer than 45 days you are entitled to stage payments as your work becomes a construction contract, this is due to some thing called the HGRA (HOUSING GRANT,CONSTRUCTION AND REGENERATION ACT) 1996, this also means at the end of every month when you put in an invoice, the company you are working for have to give you notice of the date you will get paid and the final date for payment (section 110 of the act) if they want to knock you, keep money back for any reason at all they have to give you whats called a "Notice to withold payment" section 111 of the act, this must state the amount being witheld , and the reason, if none if forthcoming the amount you have invoiced is due, there is no grey area this is law. Mention to the contractor you know all this and they will sh*t themselves.
Don't take it ,use the laws to your advantage mate

---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

AOM if your contract or works last longer than 45 days you are entitled to stage payments as your work becomes a construction contract, this is due to some thing called the HGRA (HOUSING GRANT,CONSTRUCTION AND REGENERATION ACT) 1996, this also means at the end of every month when you put in an invoice, the company you are working for have to give you notice of the date you will get paid and the final date for payment (section 110 of the act) if they want to knock you, keep money back for any reason at all they have to give you whats called a "Notice to withold payment" section 111 of the act, this must state the amount being witheld , and the reason, if none if forthcoming the amount you have invoiced is due, there is no grey area this is law. Mention to the contractor you know all this and they will sh*t themselves.
Don't take it ,use the laws to your advantage mate
Entitlement to stage payments .(1)
A party to a construction contract is entitled to payment by instalments, stage payments or other periodic payments for any work under the contract unless— .
it is specified in the contract that the duration of the work is to be less than 45 days, or .
it is agreed between the parties that the duration of the work is estimated to be less than 45 days. .
The parties are free to agree the amounts of the payments and the intervals at which, or circumstances in which, they become due. .
In the absence of such agreement, the relevant provisions of the Scheme for Construction Contracts apply. .
References in the following sections to a payment under the contract include a payment by virtue of this section. .
Dates for payment .(1)
Every construction contract shall— .
provide an adequate mechanism for determining what payments become due under the contract, and when, and .
provide for a final date for payment in relation to any sum which becomes due. .
The parties are free to agree how long the period is to be between the date on which a sum becomes due and the final date for payment.
Every construction contract shall provide for the giving of notice by a party not later than five days after the date on which a payment becomes due from him under the contract, or would have become due if— .
the other party had carried out his obligations under the contract, and .
no set-off or abatement was permitted by reference to any sum claimed to be due under one or more other contracts, .
specifying the amount (if any) of the payment made or proposed to be made, and the basis on which that amount was calculated.
If or to the extent that a contract does not contain such provision as is mentioned in subsection (1) or (2), the relevant provisions of the Scheme for Construction Contracts apply. .
Notice of intention to withhold payment .(1)
A party to a construction contract may not withhold payment after the final date for payment of a sum due under the contract unless he has given an effective notice of intention to withhold payment. .
The notice mentioned in section 110(2) may suffice as a notice of intention to withhold payment if it complies with the requirements of this section.
To be effective such a notice must specify— .
the amount proposed to be withheld and the ground for withholding payment, or .
if there is more than one ground, each ground and the amount attributable to it, .
and must be given not later than the prescribed period before the final date for payment.
The parties are free to agree what that prescribed period is to be. .
In the absence of such agreement, the period shall be that provided by the Scheme for Construction Contracts.
Where an effective notice of intention to withhold payment is given, but on the matter being referred to adjudication it is decided that the whole or part of the amount should be paid, the decision shall be construed as requiring payment not later than— .
seven days from the date of the decision, or .
the date which apart from the notice would have been the final date for payment, .
whichever is the later.
Found this for you mate, good luck
Thanks Dengeruss,

I think it was neilb that pm that sweet bit of info over to me. Your right, they did move a little faster when the mrs started quoting that. We have got it sorted now but no cash in the bank till Tuesday, but they know how to generate paper work for something simple like a stage payment. In this day and age of recycling you would think that the big boy's could develop a system that pays the subbies without the need to chop down a small forest.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

I have copied that Dangeruss and will keep it for the next ass that thinks up some daft excuse not to pay us in the hope of impressing his boss.
Thanks Dengeruss,

I think it was neilb that pm that sweet bit of info over to me. Your right, they did move a little faster when the mrs started quoting that. We have got it sorted now but no cash in the bank till Tuesday, but they know how to generate paper work for something simple like a stage payment. In this day and age of recycling you would think that the big boy's could develop a system that pays the subbies without the need to chop down a small forest.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

I have copied that Dangeruss and will keep it for the next ass that thinks up some daft excuse not to pay us in the hope of impressing his boss.
Wan*ers united the lot of them mate, I have used the act to good effect loads of times when times have dictated, most old school surveyors don't understand the act as it was only brought in in 1996 , most young ones out of uni will have learned all about it and hope you don't know it. Its there to protect all parties especialy subbies,gone are the "paid when paid" contracts too, these are against the law and designed to disrupt your cashflow forcing you to settle for a lesser amount than that which is rightfully due. I am very keen on English law (sad really) if you get stuck regarding anything at all to do with the law, go to the old baili online and sift through the case precedents. There is something there for everyone very useful and free,loads there about scaffolding, claims,prosecutions, accidents,loss of earnings,contract resolutions etc.
Nice one I will have a look, always on the look out for any handy hint when it comes to collecting the cash. They did have one last twist of the knife by withholding retention which is on all the paper work I gave them that we will not accept as it's plant, but they hate to have their hand forced and couldn't just roll over for a scaff.
Nice one I will have a look, always on the look out for any handy hint when it comes to collecting the cash. They did have one last twist of the knife by withholding retention which is on all the paper work I gave them that we will not accept as it's plant, but they hate to have their hand forced and couldn't just roll over for a scaff.
If its on your contrat "no retention" then don't accept it, scaffolding is temporary work and retention shouldn't be aplied,they do anything to keep your money,but they will crack if pushed.

Good info there mate, when we had bother getting cash in, we normally called on 'Betty' to get it, Nine times out of 10, they paid:D


P.S. Did i not mention 'Betty' is a baseball bat:eek::laugh:

Only ever had to use Betty once for a local contractor, and I've never been asked to work for him again, but to be fair to him he has still put my name forward for others to use. Alway's kinda regretted it as you should really try and be a bit proffessional and have a bit of diplomacy about you when dealing in such matters, but as dangeruss said "wankers the lot of them":D:D:D Not so easy when your dealing with incomers whose headquarters is hundreds of miles away, and another worrying trend that we are noticing in our small corner of the world is it's almost like the last throw of the dice for some of them, a good percentage seem to go to the wall whilst working in our area.:mad:
f me dangeruss u in wrong game mate . u should be an arbitrator u know much bout jct
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