Another North Sea Ditch!

One of the four fatalities is a woman - the first woman fatality in the offshore oil/gas production. Condolancies to the families.
This is on my Facebook feed, so I thought I'd share it with you all here:

"We live and work in conditions that are a few steel bars away from a jail cell, we live and work apart from our loved ones, we live and work for our loved ones. We sacrifice our lives to earn a wage so that we and the people we love can have a better life.

We're trained, skilled and safe. We know our rigs and like no other industry. We have to.

I signed a contract, I signed it knowing full well the rig I was going to work on could potentially be dangerous, but that's what I was trained for. contract fails to mention the dangers I face just getting there, and I'm sure if most other people consulted their contracts there will be little mention of this either.

Norway wouldn't have this, they insisted on the new S92 choppers, their workforce demanded it and the government and oil operators listened.

Now it's time for our oil operators and government to step up and help the single biggest supplier of revenue to this country. Oil companies make millions upon billions of pounds, it's invested in new fields and new projects. A huge investment is required in making sure their employees are brought to and from their workplace safely. No expense should be spared. The best helicopters the world has to offer should be bought.

In the mean time the government should be looking to use the RAF to ensure that dads, sons, brothers, daughters and mums are brought home during what will no doubt be a backlog as big as the "Ash cloud" incident.

If you agree...Share this status. The more the better, get people talking about this helicopter situation before in a few months time its "just another ditching" and the "investigation's concluded".

to be fair, the safety record of sikorsky helo's, the makers of S92, is second to none. A helicopter can land, even if the engine fails, using the power stored in the blades, a technique known as Auto-rotation. Military helicopter pilots train for this all the time. with it it being a private consortuim, I wonder how much time is spent by pilots training for disasters, engine failures, etc.

for the aircraft just to fall out the sky, as is being reported, means something catastophic must have happened. but whatever happened, it's happening too often, and something needs to be done to prevent more grieving families.

On a side note, the goverment are privatising the SAR service in the UK, which is currently provided by the RAF and the coast guard - just some food for thought
Thoughts and prayers go out to the four lost souls families and friends, and our well wishes go to the remaining survivors....
from everybody at the scaffolders forum...
My mate just phoned me he's ofshore for capes, said moral us low out there, he suoposed to be coming home on Tuesday but all choppers are grounded, there on about getting them off on a boat.
god bless all those who lost there lifes today very sad day condolances to family and friends
The annoying thing about this is the way the oil companies gag the survivors after incidents like this . I would like to now what happened from those who where actually there .
Condolences to the family and friends of those who have perished .
I would love to join the offshore crew, but with these incidents in the last four years i dont think i could put my family through the worry or the heartache if i never made it home...
Probably a wise decision Den, there is a young guy round here who never went back after the last ditching. There have been concerns about these choppers for years now, I can't believe after so many complaints and incidents they have waited for more deaths before anyone will act, it's actually unbelievable.

Condolences to the families concerned.
the problem is the operators average chopper does 500 flights a year some are over 15 yrs old you wouldnt keep a car fir 15yrs thrashing it 8hrs a day every day.this is a hostile enviroment you are flying in the choppers should be changed out every 5yr max.anyone whos worked out there knows these things get worked to death.
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