andvanced do you need it

In the 8 years i was on the rigs some of the scaffolders i saw out there would have struggled to get a parking ticket never mind any sort of scaffolders card, in the 80`s as long as you had your survival you could get employment on the rigs without any questions asked

On the Morcambe bay project British Gas had a senior engineer called Malcolm Guy who had never undertaken his survival and only had one arm yet he did his 2 and 2 rotation for as long as i can remember, and yes this
ba5tard was responsible for getting so many scaffolders NRB`d for petty infringements, hope the tw at has lost use of his other arm now
Offshore take part 2 as labours, only advance can turn the spanner.
haha, your some man Carl, have you ever been on a rig?

Start listening to the real Scaffolders Bro---who ever you been talking to they talking pure and utter sh!t---
haha, funny how gossip gets regurgitated as truth.

PMSL, aye, Iv never heard so muck piffle, poppycock and balderdash---WTF next eh...just love this game :love:...
Aye, me inawe. I have done it myself but at least I'll tell you when there is a high chance that what I have just said is total pi sh.:laugh:
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