Aluminium Tubing


Jul 5, 2010
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If built to the same specification as galvanised tubing,does it take same working load?
no u ave 2 put more in it closer bays and more trannys ect ect load per lift is reduced 2 1 working lift at a time
I think it's all down to design mate, as the basic scaffolds in TG 20 only apply to steel scaffold structures.
who on earth does not know that aluminium is no where near as strong as steel
come on mate,that is such a school boy error
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i can smell a little rat boys 1 u wouldnt even dare ask that on a scaff forum cause u no u get slated somthing wrong
when i did my part one in 96 Mick Hussey told us you could go 152ft in steel and 75ft in alloy.So it seems 50/50 in height if thats any good for ya
now that bloke is a tosser , i did mine with roger arthur
dont know scaffy but most of them are arnt they,what they dont know isnt worth knowing
believe mick hussey was a bit of a legend ... arrogant self righteous dogg egg
fook knows aint seen him since 97 at safety and access at nottingham where i did me ticket
Roger Arthur was a top bloke, he took me for the part 2 assessed route. When I went back for my advanced I was told that he was taken ill and had packed in work there. I don't know where he is or what he's up to now though.
collo - i agree with that statement yes i heard he had retired from the game as had done his back in or the like , some good ex sgb storys come from him haha

Same as i went up there did me assesed route of entry bk in 97
If built to the same specification as galvanised tubing,does it take same working load?

The answer to all your questions regarding alloy/steel tubing is to be found in Appenxix E & F in TG20.
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