adverts pop ups

click the red firefox box........... (top of page)

select "Ad-Ons"

Type "Ad Blocker plus" in the search box top of page

select install ..............right hand side of Ad Blocker plus

hope this keeps your missus off your case marra :D

You can use Ad Blocking apps / plugins on any of the major browsers.

Chrome is by far the fastest browser and I would highly recommend it to all of you.

Lots of people are using the Ad Block these days, but don't expect it to last. Sites are starting to clamp down on people using it as without the advertising revenue, they cannot survive. Google will not allow their advertising revenue to be eroded.
"Chrome is by far the fastest browser and I would highly recommend it to all of you.

Lots of people are using the Ad Block these days, but don't expect it to last. Sites are starting to clamp down on people using it as without the advertising revenue, they cannot survive. Google will not allow their advertising revenue to be eroded."

Not a lover of Ad-Blocker's then

Problem with me Ad-Min is that Chrome is owned by Google, a company that is out to achieve world domination of the internet it made a profit of $50 billion last year (2012) and is looking to increase this in the present year Google is out to fully commercialise the web and control it to it's own ends.

Google was a great search engine ten years ago but today it is so full of crap you have to wade through loads of advertising to find anything meaningful to your original search request.

I prefer to support the "Mozilla Project" and believe in it's mission statement.The web is not only about "marketing" But also education, communication, collaboration, entertainment and society as a whole.


Mozilla Manifesto

The Internet is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives.
The Mozilla project is a global community of people who believe that openness, innovation, and opportunity are key to the continued health of the Internet. We have worked together since 1998 to ensure that the Internet is developed in a way that benefits everyone. We are best known for creating the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

The Mozilla project uses a community-based approach to create world-class open source software and to develop new types of collaborative activities. We create communities of people involved in making the Internet experience better for all of us.

As a result of these efforts, we have distilled a set of principles that we believe are critical for the Internet to continue to benefit the public good as well as commercial aspects of life. We set out these principles below.
The goals for the Manifesto are to:

  1. articulate a vision for the Internet that Mozilla participants want the Mozilla Foundation to pursue;
  2. speak to people whether or not they have a technical background;
  3. make Mozilla contributors proud of what we're doing and motivate us to continue; and
  4. provide a framework for other people to advance this vision of the Internet.
These principles will not come to life on their own. People are needed to make the Internet open and participatory - people acting as individuals, working together in groups, and leading others. The Mozilla Foundation is committed to advancing the principles set out in the Mozilla Manifesto. We invite others to join us and make the Internet an ever better place for everyone.

  1. The Internet is an integral part of modern life—a key component in education, communication, collaboration, business, entertainment and society as a whole.
  2. The Internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.
  3. The Internet should enrich the lives of individual human beings.
  4. Individuals’ security on the Internet is fundamental and cannot be treated as optional.
  5. Individuals must have the ability to shape their own experiences on the Internet.
  6. The effectiveness of the Internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide.
  7. Free and open source software promotes the development of the Internet as a public resource.
  8. Transparent community-based processes promote participation, accountability, and trust.
  9. Commercial involvement in the development of the Internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial goals and public benefit is critical.
  10. Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the Internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.
Advancing the Mozilla Manifesto

There are many different ways of advancing the principles of the Mozilla Manifesto. We welcome a broad range of activities, and anticipate the same creativity that Mozilla participants have shown in other areas of the project. For individuals not deeply involved in the Mozilla project, one basic and very effective way to support the Manifesto is to use Mozilla Firefox and other products that embody the principles of the Manifesto.
Mozilla Foundation Pledge

The Mozilla Foundation pledges to support the Mozilla Manifesto in its activities. Specifically, we will:

  • build and enable open-source technologies and communities that support the Manifesto’s principles;
  • build and deliver great consumer products that support the Manifesto’s principles;
  • use the Mozilla assets (intellectual property such as copyrights and trademarks, infrastructure, funds, and reputation) to keep the Internet an open platform;
  • promote models for creating economic value for the public benefit; and
  • promote the Mozilla Manifesto principles in public discourse and within the Internet industry.
Some Foundation activities—currently the creation, delivery and promotion of consumer products—are conducted primarily through the Mozilla Foundation’s wholly owned subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.

The Mozilla Foundation invites all others who support the principles of the Mozilla Manifesto to join with us, and to find new ways to make this vision of the Internet a reality.
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I understand where you are coming from. However, I use the Internet on-and-off for 12 hours a day. I just want to use the best combination of hardware, software and applications to get as much done in as little time.

Mozilla hogs system resources and slows down my workflow. I realise that Google is tracking my every move, but they provide me with the fastest possible browser.

I agree that Google's search engine results have been compromised by heavy advertising, however, none of the other search engines come close in accuracy of results.

Of course Google's primary motivation is $$$$, but you could argue that they have contributed more to "education, communication, collaboration, and entertainment" than most.
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