Advanced Scaffolders Course


Active member
Jan 27, 2010
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Hi all my employer is putting me through my advanced scaffolding ticket i start tomorrow, anyone have a general idea what the criteria of the course includes, just want a bit of a heads up as to what to expect.

Thanks all
Hi, Lambert. One of the boys at work is just back and if memory serves he built a heavy duty ramp for a dumper, a couple of independents with a couple of beams flung across and called it a temporary roof and a raking shore I think it was. The rest was class room based looking at drawings, testing ties and drinking tea. Don't worry, it's like the rest of these courses very simple but good luck with it.

Oh yes, I think he built a wee hanger that you probably did on your part 2 anyway.
Thanks Aom , yes did the hangar on my part 2 very easy just jumped down and did it off the floor when the bloke went for a cup of tea, I called it using my initative lol. Doubt i will ever build a raking shore where i work but be nice to learn a few things, can never know enough.
haha, think I did the same, also remember hooking up and jumping from the parapet and being left dangling like a puppet on a string about 4 inch above the boarded lift.:embarrest:

We don't build raking shores either I think they are all pre fabricated nowadays but I could be wrong. Where are you going to do the course?
Blenhim drive bulwell nottingham. I did my part 2 there about 8 years ago with a couple of other lads. My employer has gone training mad putting all the lads through thier tickets so all good espically in this climate.
I'm afraid I'm a bit like that myself but more to do with a balanced squad meaning I needed another advanced to supervise the part 2's. It might be a bit more intense down there but still won't task an experienced spanner man too much.
Temp roof, hanger, raking shore, dead shore, falsework, ramp, stair tower,
lol on a monday morning it may task me a bit , but looking at the course as a chance to build scaffolds that i might not get the chance to where i am working at the mo just nice to get the experiance of something a bit different from the norm. Done a few drawing jobs so i am ok with reading drawings etc, and being on the street you have to learn to adapt every day as every job is different as you well know yourself.

To be honest i think it's quite relaxed place well was when i did my part 2 like you say a lot of it is classroom based anyhow.

---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ----------

Nice done 4 out of seven so be nice to learn something.
That was the same for the fella that works with us but to be honest he came back a bit disappointed at the lack of challenge. He did enjoy the hanger as we don't do many but the temp roof was pretty pathetic with no training about how to get out on to the beams adhering to current legislation. The tie testing was non existent and for me it's thee most important thing for keeping the jobs up.
Maybe they can use the all powerful 'Scaff-Step' with its many infinite uses. :rolleyes:

Yes, lol.

On your Advanced, i found the most challenging part was the Staircase.
It was more then a normal Staircase, but a complete Stairtower with run offs and you had little room for error when it comes to your measurements, as if you measured one side of the stringers wrong, even by a few inches the other set of stringers would not fit.

The fabled Flying Shore was fairly easy, as was the Ramp.
I enjoyed the Raking Shore, though theres little way to erect it safely as its so small and the tubes are at funny angles, too close to even get a single board in.

I did:

A Hanger. (Hung off of Steels.)
A Temporary Roof.
A Raking Shore.
A 'Push and Pull' Shore (Basically like an Independent with a Buttress.)
A Flying Shore.
A Ramp.
A Staircase. (But bigger then the usual ones.)
A Heavy Duty Shore, with U-Heads.
A Haki Staircase.

I found it as hard as the Part 2, maybe even LESS of a challenge then the Part 2.

Either way, you'll love it.
Enjoy the 2 weeks off work. :)
thx jason for that info, your right two weeks off but dont get paid but in this climate what do you expect.
mmm, that's different Lambert, you should be paid.
Your welcome sir. :)

I had to pay for my Advanced myself also, as i do for nearly all my other tickets and i usually have to go without pay, whilst im doing them.
But in a way its better, as you dont owe anyone anything.

Theres no: "You know we put you though your course, so can you do this/do that" b0llocks, lol.

You only owe yourself.

I dont like firms paying for my tickets, as then your not in their pockets.
Accept T.ANIMAL.

He failed his Part 1, because instead of using a double to lace 2 tubes together, he used shoelaces... because he is 'Olde Skool', lol. :eek:
I actually had to sign a form to say if in two years i leave i have to pay for the course but to be honest it a small family company so to pay the wages of the lads on top of the course is a lot to expect and we had the choice so cant complain really and i enjoy where i am so put that in front of couple of weeks wages just got to let the missus know she not be getting no keep lol
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