advanced course

I have the prompt sheets for the advanced course if thats any good to you.

The newer CITB advanced course has a lot more for the WBR to put in there with testimonies etc etc.

Let me know if you want them.
Also have the Part 2 prompt sheets if anyone wants them.

hey mark finished my advanced course a week ago. trust me mate all you need is your part 2 notes no real difference at all to be honest. My instructors played no attention to the boys doing their advanced and i didnt even finish one of my jobs before being told to take it down ha ha. just concentrate on the pics and info for your portfolio you cant fail it mate. Good luck son
no cassie i havent got my advanced . i have never needed it as i usually work price so it doesnt make a difference to my pay . the company im on for at the minute do pay there advanced more so iv been trying to get them to put me on the course . they said they were going to but with the new government cancelling the new schools my job is pretty much f*cked any way . so im back to not needing it again .
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