Advanced 2 day assessment

scaffie bull

Oct 24, 2009
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Hi lads hope all is well looking to book my 2day assessment for my advanced in erith just wondered if anyone has done it recently and what it actually involves thanks
Stair's, ramps, temporary roof of such, the old part 2 hanger. Can't remember the rest but nothing to worry about.
for the assesment, you would do temp roof and a hanger...
No you don't deb, I just did my course at Erith. It's a hanger and a dead shore. I have the drawings here if anybody needs to get acquainted with them before the big 2 day assessment. It will be George or Ron that 'Assesses' you, but you won't fail unless you fall off the hanger :laugh:
No you don't deb, I just did my course at Erith. It's a hanger and a dead shore. I have the drawings here if anybody needs to get acquainted with them before the big 2 day assessment. It will be George or Ron that 'Assesses' you, but you won't fail unless you fall off the hanger :laugh:

I did mine a few year back, so maybe changed now,
At erith individual dead shore,Group hanger this is the only you could assess someone for the individual NVQ CISRS skills match.

Is bang on the money there,, like he says George or Ron will assess!!
Did mine at NET* did fuc,k all Scaffold wise just paid the money and went through the portfollio was away at dinner time on day 1 there was no day 2.
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I was talking about the Advanced at Erith mate, I actually did my Part 2 assessed route at UTN in Wakey in about 2005 I think. Was seriously under the influence so can't really remember much about it :laugh:
The problem i see is do you want training and asessment that are going to improve the industry or just another money making toss off scheme.
We want training and assessment that we can use in the real world for sure, not as you say toss off schemes. It has been said before on here that it's not what we do but where we do it that makes it tough so teaching the young guns on a hobby horse how to build a saddle is poor in my opinion. You don't get your class 1 driving license driving round the town in a pick up, you have to get out there in real situations with the real deal, scaffolding should be the same.
We want training and assessment that we can use in the real world for sure, not as you say toss off schemes. It has been said before on here that it's not what we do but where we do it that makes it tough so teaching the young guns on a hobby horse how to build a saddle is poor in my opinion. You don't get your class 1 driving license driving round the town in a pick up, you have to get out there in real situations with the real deal, scaffolding should be the same.

There is a clue in the assessment paperwork as to why all the training and assessments are done on as you call them " HOBBY HORSES" and that is would not be possible to get lads to erect large structures and clear it away for the next crew in the time frame or the centre would not have the space or material to build multiple large rigs due to floor space and amount of equipment. So the thinking goes as scaffolding is repetitive if you can build it once or twice successfully then you can do it again & again.

I think instructors point is that people on here moan that the training programs are just a money making rip off when you just turn up and pass no matter how bad you perform,
yet its clearly stated at the start of this thread that if you have either of the named instructors at Erith you wont fail unless you fall off....and that seems to be a good thing.....seems like double standards to me and that the training centre’s cant win either way

A PASS/FAIL assessment to ensure a good level of ability in the industry
(This means people would fail if not up to standard)
A GARENTEED PASS no matter how bad a scaffolder
(This means the only way to fail is fall off)
Actually Geoff, you have touched upon a subject close to my heart. I have had many moans not about any particular centre I don't think but the truth be told I only have experience of one. On one particular visit with a lot of dignatries, I was treated to a speech by one telling the assembled audience that good wasn't good enough and for our industry to thrive training had to be superb. It may well be unrealistic, I just don't know but simulation on a hobby horse doesn't do it for me to be honest and it certainly doesn't do it for the boy's coming back. The advanced is also very much on the week side, the simulated temporary roof is no more than 2 independents with beams slung across, what that teaches guy's about erecting roofs is beyond me especially with all the pressure on employers to make sure all the men are trained in things like sg4:10. I'm honestly not having a dig, you are obviously a trainer, if they would have me in a few years I truly would love to get into it especially as I see lots of ways to improve it.

As I said, I'm not having a dig but would love to hear more from the inside, I have lots of questions.

---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 PM ----------

And just for the record I want a genuine pass/fail.
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