
The shut down was always going to be in April- may, and I hard a muppet from Newport is taking names telling people he the man Forefront are using to get the men, what a joke.
Tony knows the score and forefront don't need anybody to supply men to them for a job like this. They have a list as long as my sausage and that's massive.
Trust me scarface there's only gonna be a few ffs boys on there.if you know Paul hadfield you know what he's like.ffs are only taking names to keep the boys interested.
Just what I've heard mate, I'm sorted for a start in there anyway . ;)
Morning Gents,

FYI we have not asked anyone to recruit on our behalf. Vancouver is right to a point.... our list though is a lot longer then his Chipolata :).

Still being told May, as soon as we get the nod am sure you will all know.


Wayne carrey still there runs the maintenance for cape.
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