A question to all agencies

Tbh i'm a bit dissapointed but not surprised -several agencys have been on here 2day incl octain & fss its a shame thay couldnt be bovvered 2 comment on wots an important issue.typical take take take attitude dont mind the free advertising & ability to use this median to feather there own nests & collect cv's but unwilling or unable to answer a sensible question with information - which this forum was originally started as an exchange of & not their personel free advertising site
I'm off to a seminar in London in a couple of weeks for our umbrella company to explain how there going to get around the changes
As far asvim aware there still is google hudsons payroll
Definitely , if the company you work for instructs you in any way shape or form then you cannot be self employed , you can still work thru an umbrella company but will have to pay tax and national insurance , that way it saves the company paying employers ni , the lower paid labourers will gain but a scaff on £120 plus will lose
Instead of a flat 20% being stopped it will be full tax and national insurance
The other way round it is each person to be a individual ltd company , but that's gonna be to much hassle
This was a seminar by fairgate commercial contracting ltd and a very expensive law firm , the fookin suit he was wearing looked like it cost more than I earn in a month
Maybe so but i hope not.
hudsons contract services are the only payroll company to have taken hmrc to the high court over their status & that of the guys on their books and won.having set a precedent & their historical records with a multi million pound legal fighting fund means that hmrc work with them now instead of bringing costly law suits that they cant win against them.
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