A question to all agencies



Theres many agencies who both sponser & are regular user of this forum & i was just wondering if they would be honest enough to give their opinion & to let us all know how the new April tax change (details on another thread) are going to effect their ability to take on workers & how they will continue to opererate without hmrc shutting them down or making everyone on their books paye.
you have about as much chance of them coming clean sp than nelson getting his eye back. scc
Theres many agencies who both sponser & are regular user of this forum & i was just wondering if they would be honest enough to give their opinion & to let us all know how the new April tax change (details on another thread) are going to effect their ability to take on workers & how they will continue to opererate without hmrc shutting them down or making everyone on their books paye.

might be totally rong but is that not the reason they se the umbrella companies you are paye with the umbrella companies?
We 'll see scc lol -it be interesting as long as the thread dont get hijacked by Den lol or turn into the normal agency slagging thread
No, Algeria or staircases or visas have not been mentioned yet
Wot about digs

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Marra - not on about paye through umbrella companies, only SE stwtus works supplied via an agency
Come on lads this is a serious thread, does this affect part ones waiting to do their assessment.
It affects everyone, two of my lads will leave if they have to go on the cards. They get good money now a rebate of about 2.5 k a year, low national insurance stamp and a lower tax rate. It's all about the government making more national insurance to cover rising costs. They wouldn't have gotten away with it in the heart of the recession now were on the recovery hit the small business again !!!!
Ive always been better off self employed. Im not committed to the firm and the firms not committed to me. When I have been on the cards ive always feel cheated. The boss gives the bare minimum. Boots hard hat harness hi viz and gloves. And not the best that money can buy. Day rate made up with bonus so holiday pay at basic rate. Sick pay, ha ha. Then the tax man takes a big chunk of your money.
This Is About National Insurance Clawback Pure And Simple Sp. I Have Always Been Much Better Off Self Employed, Both Financially And Mentally, I Really Grudge Working On The Books For Someone (Nothing Personal Against Any Boss But I Resent Working Like Fekk To Pay Someone Elses Mortgage)
if it does away with the umbrella scam were the worker gets a couple of quid but pays minimum rates of tax WHILE THE PAYROLL COMPANY MAKES FORTUNES i for one am in favour as i have always felt i will always be looking over my shoulder regarding the taxman on this scheme.
its harder to get a mortgage when on these scams as well which in the current NON LENDING FROM BANKS aint a good thing;)
I agree happy, this was meant to have been dealt with by removing the old 714, but they came up with umbrella companies to keep it alive for years. I don't think the agencies will have too much to worry about as if they are genuinely temporary workers they will still be self employed.
lets be honest paye and cis ante a lot different ive just gone cis from paye!!! thou you don't get any holiday paye you save straight away on national insurance jesus payed nearly £80 some weeks on paye so you paye for your holidays anyway!! took home paye the other week for 38hrs £444 sh!t just done same hour on cis £550 for 38hrs and tax payed and umbrella company payed so it ante all good paye, ppe supplied which you paye for on paye. £50 cis overalls ectra your sorted!!! think at this present time agenceys are paying the beter deal and ive been in game 28 yrs!!! paye is s!it these days £3,4pound a hour they ante makeing much a hour on you!!
site im on full time pay as you earn get death benefit of £40k notice period and a redundancy package.
agency get feck all,as much as i do like living the fact that a man working alongside me Dies his family get £40k i snuff it all my family get is whats collected from a "SHEET COLLECTION";)
Cheers for your imput guys but i didnt want this to turn into another slagging the agencjes thread - i was hoping to hear from them as to how they intended to keep blokes on SE & still stay current with the employment legislation due to change in April.

the gov has made it so difficult for blokes who want to stay SE to do so , which i think is wrong.
Cheers for your imput guys but i didnt want this to turn into another slagging the agencjes thread - i was hoping to hear from them as to how they intended to keep blokes on SE & still stay current with the employment legislation due to change in April.

the gov has made it so difficult for blokes who want to stay SE to do so , which i think is wrong.
They are probably really busy thinking of a way around the impending doom heading their way. The whole basis of their existence is to go for as long as they can until the revenue catch up with them. All companies are separate entities in the eyes of the law so they fold them up when the owe thousands in unpaid ni contributions then start again with a slightly different name. There is no risk to them financially.
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