A dish served cold.....


Jan 18, 2010
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Hello to my scaffolder brothers

On Friday I was asked to leave a mansells site!

Due to a miss understanding regarding a locker that I was told was no longer in use!
I'm sure there are a fair few of you that has come across the problem of the empty locker with the locked padlock on
So after asking a few lads that had been on site for a while the answer was "that's been like that for months mate"
Rightly or wrongly with the podger end of the ratchet BOOM!!!!! I'm in

A day later it turns out it's not EMPTY it belongs to a crane driver.....

So being a person who likes to be of an honest nature I step forward, takes the blame and makes arrangements aswell as a humble apology to replace said damaged padlock

All is good and well for a week untill the project manager hears a rumour on site about said events, to which he draws is own conclusions that im a vandal and a thief!

Que phone call to my new boss of company telling the second hand version of a site rumour and that he wants me removed from site!

At no point have I been asked to explain my side of the story, which was a genuine mistake and had been resolved in a gentlemans agreement

So project manager (small man with the usual inherent small man problems) demands that I leave site!

I know what your thinking by now....
Find the little Cnut and smash him around the office!

It's a new world we live in now and I know by the time a got home the filth would be waiting to give me a free nights stay at the local nick

So my brothers in arms what I put to you is revenge is a dish best served cold!

What a would like is ideas hints and tips to make is little ***** life hell!
Tuck ups
Tip offs
Stick them on...!

Cheers lads
Have you been sacked off completely from the firm mate or just not allowed on that site ?
Sounds like the lads stitched you right up
Go in to office and tell your boss what actually happened
First time ever!!!!

Spoke to my firm but there hands are tied
It's not their fault to be fair it's that Cnut of a project manager

That's why I want to tuck up the site

Simple Jas---ski mask and bat---brake his feckin legs and put him off his work---see how he likes that , the little fecker...

Do unto others as they do unto you...
Did The Crane Driver Not Step Forward And Say Nothing Was Stolen And It Was A Genuine Error, And Nothing Was Or Attemted To Be Stolen? The Fact You Asked Around Whose Locker It Was Should Mitigate The Circumstances.Your Boss Just Punted You ? Without Even Getting Your Side Isnt Right.
jason mate i know your upset but broadcasting that you are after revenge publicly isnt a good idea
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Who's going to get the smashing in back doors comments in first ........ I wonder !
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Nice one fellas!!!
I'd love to smash the fcuk out of him
Thing is I'm off to oz in 40+ days so I need to keep my nose clean!

The crane driver did step up to the mark but the little hitler Wasn't having any of it
Fcuking prick!!!!!

That's why I'm thing of the tuck up....

Putting a new lock on the front gate is the best I've come up with..... So far!!!!

The cleaner the better lads
You know the deal
Hurt him how his hurt you ............ In the pocket
tyers 80 a pop 4 tyres £320 for typer wing mirrow glass next week 30 - 60 to fix that windscreen wippers £12 to fix .. Back to tyres another £320. Back to tyres again all the things he will have to replace at his own cost insurance companies dont pay for defective tyres mirros wipers ect or the best on yet crawl under his car with a tin and take the sump plug out drain it of oil and replace the sump plug b4 he knows it the engines seased ither new car or new engine depending the age and type of that car £500 -£10,000 seized engine and he'll never get wind of it unless on the forum ahaha seen us do a few fo these and then go round his house 20 mins later and be having a dirnk wid him arrr revenge is best served with ice in a cold beer arrrrrrrr

lads might think this devious but it will hurt him with the dollars and he carnt do anything about it (if ya sly enought)
Put an ad in the local paper,advertising ahem his services,something like,little hitlers gay massage parlour,with his name and address on it,that'll feck his reputation:eek:
Mansell/birse are a complete Shiite bag of a company. In a previous life I was a roofing contracts manager looking after several million £ + roofing projects for them.
They would use every excuse & dirty trick possible to slow down or even stop our lads from working then bitch like hell at the monthly project meetings about the lack of productivity & then try to use this to not pay their bills. There was one jumped up little hitler of a site manager called Billy who used the H&S act as a bat the beat the boys with daily & then expect us all to break every rule in the book to drag him out the **** when it suited.
Balaclava up & smash the priick or pay the local smack heads to go & ransack his site if that's too risky. :rolleyes:
phone his wife in tears and tell her when you were ***** he touched . im gonna leave that one there but its one i used before .pretty sick but if hes that bad and you dont want to whack him
If something has a padlock on it,theres a reason for it. Willful damage at the worst.
Should have had a written explanation from site manager to you or company. No harm done,sounds a right tit.
Think I may have met him, a few boy's put off site for whistling.

To be honest, put it behind you, it will just bring more grief to your door and as you said you are starting a new life in Oz and why would you want to put tat at risk for a wee eejit like that?
I cannot believe you got sacked for that after all was resolved.

If you want to hit him financially then go for the motor, as said go for the engine to cause most damage. If you want to make it really personal then piss in his windscreen wiper fluid so every time he cleans his windscreen he's going to be having a good sniff of your piss.
A friend of mine took a can of expanding foam stuff to a car that belonged to a bloke that was shagging his now ex.Squirted the foam into every gap in every panel/door/bonnet/boot. The foam set and no-one could get into the car & it was written off. He had a good alibi as to where he was coz she told the old bill. couldnt prove a thing
Why buy a padlock and let him bolt crop it and cost you, superglue the fuc@er and let him have the cost of replacing the lock good luck.
a friend of mine took a can of expanding foam stuff to a car that belonged to a bloke that was shagging his now ex.squirted the foam into every gap in every panel/door/bonnet/boot. The foam set and no-one could get into the car & it was written off. He had a good alibi as to where he was coz she told the old bill. Couldnt prove a thing

that ne good tokwintney onyl going to cost him his excess the engine alloys tyres carnt claim on insurance for thows in less he get the engine flooded and claime water damage or set it on fire
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