3 Things you would change about the scaffold game



Use your imagination lads, you can't have..........

More money

Less rules

Better bosses

Scaffolders mentality mate, if each scaff saved £1 per day for 2 years they could go on a CITB course ,get qualified and then we wouldn't have to hear about how unfair things are . Most of the scaffs I know, smoke , drink , spend loads on flat screen tv's and puff but wouldn't spend a bean on training to further their careers.

Ask Phil to publish the list, we got to 150 things scaffs do
Get back to old school values, I'm not talkin safety. I'm talkin about the fact that these days most men would sell their souls rather than think of fellow scaffs. Also all this nonsense about ECITB and CISRS, how can u tell a bloke with 20-30 years in the game that a spotty little prick is more qualified than him. And finally we should no longer be classed semi-skilled, were tubular engineers for fucks sake!
Scaffolders mentality mate, if each scaff saved £1 per day for 2 years they could go on a CITB course ,get qualified and then we wouldn't have to hear about how unfair things are . Most of the scaffs I know, smoke , drink , spend loads on flat screen tv's and puff but wouldn't spend a bean on training to further their careers.

Ask Phil to publish the list, we got to 150 things scaffs do

Oh yeah, I forgot about that list.

To be honest mate we obviously have no idea about scaffolding, or have never held responsible positions within well respected scaffolding companies. So I doubt that list could be counted as a qualified reflection on scaffolders attitudes....
Make it compulsary for main contractors to employ thier labour force direct or to only award contracts to bona-fide sub contractors that would supply labour and materials for the works

To classify scaffolding as a trade,with a four year apprenticeship, 3year practical and 1year at a trade college for the academic side. Run in a four month cycle, 3month site,1month college with the training becoming more advanced as you progress through the years.

That all companies abide to current Health & Safety legislation,no more and no less than laid down in law.That all "safety officers"including HSE staff and company staff, be competent in the area that they are policing and advising upon
a good rate of pay say 20 quid hr , 36hr wk and no overtime whatsoever ,and min 3 man gangs theres tomany 2man gangs.
I was a damned good labourer before I became a fully fledged scaff , even after gaining my tickets I still laboured for the old guard , to many spanner twirlers who run a mile as soon as some paddys need pulled up .Get shot of them .
After more then 3 decades i still do the odd days labouring for the lads keeps them on there toes .
the nasc for the sccr,over zelouse safety men for common sense thinking,the EN rules back to the BS rules.........not much to ask for but that would do me fine.
1. Bombing made legal
2. The charge hands word is law on site
3. Beating apprentices made part of the C.I.T.B module
What bombing is not in TG20? Who to that out ******** thats why we must sign up the the SCCR and get our voices heard???????????
cuplock,haki,layer get rid tube and fitting is are speciality its put us in goodstead for years ,theres no future in bang and go your dosh will fall or stay static for years ,you know am right its to easy every fuc#er whos out of work from bar tenders,politisions,bizzies,hairdressers,xfuttyplayers,bogcleaners,even car robbers are throwin it up ,x cons after doin a 20stretch jump on the top lift and get there fella to pass the gear whats happening to this game of ours.
scaffolding is not the same employers have us buy the nuts if every scaff demanded 20 25 an hour and stuck to it we would get it we are the second army of this country i have been at the game 25 years missed my kids growing up lost plenty of good women because i had to work 7 days and still have to to make a decent wage so to the young generation stick together demand better pay and have a life with your familys if you got that rate the sat sun would be yours not theres have a life boys
goog old days

Yeah bring back the good old days, a fry-up first thing and a couple of pints at lunch time ....shorts n trainers as well:):):)
I think theres far to much nepotism in the game now has anyone else experienced this behavior

---------- Post added at 08:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------

Nepotism is rife in the scaffolding game has anyone else experienced this appalling behaviour
I have..My girlfriend at the times dad was Manager of a U.B.M depot in Oxford & was short of a labourer,I was bumming around on the dole,so he gave me a summer job...28yrs later still in the game & loving it.(not his daughter anymore though).
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