2012 = £650 net 2013= £470 net


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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well 2012 for 45hrs and a saturday 8hrs premium rates for a ecitb advanced scaffolder was £650 net!! but as this ticket isnt valid anymore the same wages this week for 2013 thanks to the removal of this ticket is £470 take home. fooking discracefull even thou the part 2 has been sat. i really hope the ARE scaffolders dont get shafted like me yes most scaffolders dont air there washing in public but its a forum and i think people need to know whats happening in there back yard!!! ARE watch out you could be next protect your rates as you may loose £100s like me if you go back to re train. lets hope the union comes good as with the phone calls ive had cos nasc dont give to s!its
That is an absolute disgrace Dico your company ought to be ashamed of themselves for doing this to you , this sort of sh ite will only drive good men out of the game , why cant they just pay you what they did last year , your still doing the same type and amount of work as last year i would imagine.
Why ain't the unions done any thing about this,why haven't the scaffs on these jobs picketed and stopped other scaffs doing there work,if the scaffs ain't prepaird to do any thing there self I think it may be hard to get help from the union best of luck mate let us know how it's going.
That is an absolute disgrace Dico your company ought to be ashamed of themselves for doing this to you , this sort of sh ite will only drive good men out of the game , why cant they just pay you what they did last year , your still doing the same type and amount of work as last year i would imagine.

red tape phill they cant have a trainee fixing even thou ive been a advanced for decades my firms played ball theve been good too me but there members of nasc its very political phill and iam so angry with the system i wernt gana say anything but i need to let scaffolders no whats happening with the game nasc had a good chance to put this right why the trainning was being completed this is peoples lifes iam so glad i havent got a morgage or i would be fooked
red tape phill they cant have a trainee fixing even thou ive been a advanced for decades my firms played ball theve been good too me but there members of nasc its very political phill and iam so angry with the system i wernt gana say anything but i need to let scaffolders no whats happening with the game nasc had a good chance to put this right why the trainning was being completed this is peoples lifes iam so glad i havent got a morgage or i would be fooked
Totally agree its a load of nonsense
Totally agree its a load of nonsense

i no you come from a union back ground gary so yes the 1970 1980s jesus there would be riots on the scaffolders front but unfortunatly these days men arnte prepared to fight there rights!!! lets hope the union one of the biggest can put this red tape right cos not sure who will be next
Some of the best scaff I've ever worked with had eitb tickets this is madness.they were more skill full scaff in my opinion outside scaffs were just a bit quicker.what do you think will happen now with it all.
Dico if they are a fairly good company like you say, ask them if they can pay a bonus on top of the wage, see what they say.
Productivity Bonus springs to mind.
iam waiting for a email and call gary but its been easter holidays so i no these things can take time. but the nasc lot there not bothered. david edwards the ecitb director whos shareholders who brought these tickets out in the early 80s when there was a shortage of scaffolders seems to be getting away with murder but i no these shareholders are all joined to the hip!!!!
Nearly all the old lads i worked with never had any sort of tickets and you had to prove yourself to become a scaffolder , now you just pay go to a school for a couple of weeks and thats it your a scaffolder , its all about the money pure and simple .
No one can tell me that NASC members are strictly adhering to the rules , i see these companys in London all the time breaking the rules the same as the smaller none members
Dico if they are a fairly good company like you say, ask them if they can pay a bonus on top of the wage, see what they say.
Productivity Bonus springs to mind.

its to political spannerman ive probably said to much already this has been discussed already all i no this is red tape and thats all!!
I have a CITB ticket as well but more proud of my eitb ticket . Any one know why they didn't amalgamate the two tickets
the last time i was this bitter phill is when i had my marbles knicked at 8yrs olde lol!! am 48yrs olde phill and just about had it with the whole system theres no give but take take take!! they had there chance nasc and david edwards of ecitb who runs the ccnsg power plant ticket. to put things right there not bothered as long as the ££££ still keep comeing in
Have we all got to retrain for a new ticket? I'm not sure if im getting this right.
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