The Wearing of PPE

A lot of this depends on circumstance, if your putting a front and back up for a roofer in a cul de sac I dont wear ppe other then overalls and boots if im somewhere like a main road its all ppe and esp site work, but offshore you have to do everything by the book to the letter, does your head in when your over the side wearing a harness with life jacket rubbing your neck everyday conected up to a million initia reels with sweat dripping into your steamed up 10p safety glasses and blisters on your heels from the cheapest safety boots they could find and yellow hands from the dye from the cheap yellow gloves they supply wearing a crappy cheap harness, there is nothing wose then cheap ppe! I buy my own boots (sievi) and glasses (bolle silium) they dont steam up, can claim it back through my self employed work but its not the point!
weve tried this and been told you cannot take money from scaffs wage packet,union say you should speak to scaffs and ask why they dont wear the required ppe, im a scaff but now in the office hated wearing hardhats but youve got to do it
PPE is supplied by the company for our benefit not theirs, be thankfull that somebody is assessing the risks and spending money to benefit us, it wasn't to long ago you had to be in a company for years before they would even give you a pair of gloves.
Big Boss
i have this trouble all the time from one of my lads, i know they do not like wearing it but i do spend alot of money on it, and it looks better when turning up on a job even in the middle of no wear if you have got it on, and not looking like you have just drop out of the job centre to give someone a hand, from now on anyone i find with out ppe will be send home you should not have to dress someone every day it is part of your uniform and should be used at all times
I work for a main contractor and we have a very strict PPE policy,reason why we enforce ppe onsite so much is should a fatality occur on one of our site and that person wasn't wearing any PPE our insurance provider simply wouldn't cover us, the PM would get prosecuted and possibly jailed. subcontractors charging their operatives for PPE and fining them for not wearing it is completely wrong and possibly illegal. We use a red and yellow card system it works , one verbal warning and the second time caught get a 'DCM' (don't come Monday) simples.
I have read this thread with interest.
There are any thoughts and opinions here some I agree with some, not so much.
I have been witness to the fine system and I have never agreed with it, I believe it is tantamount to saying, its okay not to wear your PPE if you can pay the £10. Tried all the warning routes proved to be a pointless and time consuming exercise which delayed the inevitable.
As for reward, well you get to go home safe at night.
I believe this to be simple, if the rules say you wear certain items of PPE then that’s what you do and its what I enforce without mercy or tolerance.
Every man has an induction and every man is provided with PPE. When they arrive on site they put on ALL their PPE irrespective of the size or nature of the job it matters not how big or how long they are in the game.
I have seen a top hand out of work for six months after falling off a kicker lift and I have seen a man die from a 3m fall. I have also seen their line managers charged by police and tried in court. I have no care for the opinion of others on the subject of PPE it matters not if they need it or they don’t what matters is they have been told to wear it and wear it they will.
I have a simple to understand policy you get caught you get sacked. There are no warnings when you fall and there are no warnings when I catch you.
every site we work on has a strict policy towards ppe, if your caught not wearing it your asked to put it on,once and once only 2nd time your asked to leave site endex for the day do it again and your thrown off all there sites
DODGEY LARL SUBJECT ME THINKS. PPE BOOTS HAT HI VIS HARNESS GLOVES great yeah, every 1 should wear it i have no probblem wearing it but like all sometimes get out the wagon and left the hi viz on my jacket, left me hard hat on back of wagon when pulling in to yard n forget to put it on people do forget to do thinkg but if you enforcing something you need to lead by example if there caught with out ppe bang them in the yard if there caught with out ppe make them clean the wagaon clean toilets punish them that wya not in the poket right marra wears ya hard hat pal .... get it on the way to the fitting shed m8, here marra werra ya hi vi sure i seen it in the tube rack on ya wya rack that tube marra
I work in New York were its the law to always wear ppe non compliance will get you thrown off a job for good not by the company but some a$$hole site safety guy that has never done a real days work ... With that I think gloves hard hat are the only things that are usefull glasses fog up and a harness is pointless since there's nothing to tie off to its all for insurance reasons that's the bottom line
Your approach to enforcing PPE compliance is structured, clear, and consistent, which is a strong leadership quality.
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