Scaffolding for Lifting Operations


New member
May 29, 2024
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Hoping for some good guidance.

Working overseas for a company with little or no procedures for lifting, and got myself involved in developing a guidance document for crane rigging and lifting activities. It has been noted that use of scaffolding for lifting activities is widespread throughout the gas plant but currently the company are lacking any sort of rules or guidance where this is required.

So far, it seems the general rule of thumb is scaffolding for picking up loads less than 1t can be erected using standard designs incorporating a 'ladder beam' which rigging would be hung from and require no engineering input. Scaffolding used for picking up weights greater than 1t require a design/ calcs/ drawings to be completed by a scaffold engineer. Does this ring true, and if so does such guidance exist in any scaffolding reg's?

Appreciate any help on this!
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