Looking for team members


New member
May 21, 2024
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My name is Jay I'm making this post to find out if there is any scaffolders and cots labourers that want to team up and work together as a gang here in london .
I'm looking for 2 blue cards and 2 cots labourers or basic cscs labourers.
I'm a part 2 myself and have been scaffolding for over a decade onshore and offshore with both T&F and System.
I've been struggling to find consistent work here in london atm, it's up and down on the agencies right now.
I was contacted today by a reliable employer asking me if I could put a squad together and if I could do that he would talk to his Connections and keep us in constant work around london hiring us out to multiple companies.
If the work is completed quickly and to a decent standard we can negotiate prices on each job as team
Please email me at
roboscaff@hotmail.com and send me copy of your card and I'll let him know when we have enough people to go and hopefully we can make some decent money this summer
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