How are Scaffold Firms Organised? (1 Viewer)

SF Admin

Aug 20, 2009
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Hello chaps

We run a small, one truck (7.5t) local scaffold company that mainly does local work in London.

The accepted mantra is that the labourer drives the truck from about 7am, picks-up everyone for a breakfast and then hit the site at 8am ish?
Alternatively they may drive to the yard and do whatever is needed there and then leave there about 8:30
Knocking off time is about 2pm, 2:30pm at the latest

How does this compare with you, and what are your ways of working?

Do you send you men to start at the site at 8am and have them work through to 3pm? If so who drives the kit there and back?

Can only speak from working for wee street mobs yard for 7 ISH to load up n get get taken to jobs...break times not too bad usually....bk to yard for half 3ish to load up for next day
Miss the street work n having to adapt n overcome whatever's in the way,change of scenery.Dont miss the wages!
Done that 25+yrs on n off but mostly on!
Just couldn't be fucked baybisittng/running a squad anymore! So just do MIA now working by myself...I love it 🤣
Thanks. Any more? Particularly interested in small firms
Not been on this forum for a long time, good to be back.

All lads in the yard (16 lads 8wagons) for 6:30am load/unload then off to various jobs mostly northwest but have a few smaller jobs dotted around UK,
Everyone back at yard around 3/3:30 pm and Fridays 1:30 finish few beers 🍻 and then Saturday 7Am job and knock for the lads who want it.
Not been on this forum for a long time, good to be back.

All lads in the yard (16 lads 8wagons) for 6:30am load/unload then off to various jobs mostly northwest but have a few smaller jobs dotted around UK,
Everyone back at yard around 3/3:30 pm and Fridays 1:30 finish few beers 🍻 and then Saturday 7Am job and knock for the lads who want it.
Excellent. More of the same from others please!

@Dandaps - you work from 6:30 to 3pm with no breaks?
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