A Dog called Transom


Well-known member
May 21, 2010
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Worked with a fella now retired had a dog called transom,anyone know of any other scaffs obsessed with naming there pets after scaffold criteria. :nuts:::p
worked with a lad a good while ago who had a jack russle called jack , the dog went every ware with him , as soon as the first life was boarded out he used to throw the dog on the lift and it spent all day walking around the scaffold
most dogs i had were always on there phone and were called bert or gezzer.least they wernt called ankwer like i was lol.
i'm not mentioning any names to protect the guilty but i kmow somebody who named his dog after the firm he worked for.(three letters in name)
Just named my new baby son Putlog:weird:
I have a cat called baseplate, because the little b.....d never leaves the floor and is always sitting on me wood !!!
Named my son jack......never thought about it like this before........I feel awful now :laugh::laugh::laugh::bigsmile: lol
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