yet another scam....


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
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just had this sent through...some people must think others are just plain there some idiots who will fall for this b"llocks

Dear Friend,

My name is Barrister Sameer Al Ansarl, an attorney at law. I am sending you this message in respect of an unclaimed fund amounting to $US8,250,000 million American Dollars that was deposited with a finance company here in Malaysia by a deceased who died In September 2010 in a ghastly car accident with members of his family, and who happened to be my client. I have been notified by the bank to provide the beneficiary of the fund, or face possible confiscation.

I am contacting you in order to seek your conscent , so that I can present you to the bank as the next of kin to my late client, thereby ensuring that the said fund be paid to you, after which we can share the fund based on an agreed percentage. All legal documents to back up your claim as my client's next-of-kin will be provided. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us achieve this transaction and to prevent members of the finance house from taking advantage of the fund.

Kindly contact me at once to indicate your interest, as I believe that this transaction will be treated with utmost good faith and expecting that full confidentiality and sincerity will be our watch word. I look forward to your response through my contact email(

Best regards,
Barrister Sameer Al Ansarl
TEL: +601-0215-0978
Ha Ha I get bout 5 a day. maybe I should start claiming it. I would be a billionaire by now.
so many of these... the nigerians do the best ones.
A barrister with a hotmail address how unbelievable can you get, if your going to carry out a scam make sure there are no loopholes.
eh offshorescaff, if you aren't going for it do you mind if I give it a go, it could be genuine.:blink:
I just sent him all my Bank details and account info... should i have waited before rushing into it?? :laugh:
just got one stating my long lost cousin died in the japan earthquake,and she just happened to ahve a right few quid and no other relatives.
im thinking of buying rangers or atleast helping out the blue knights with 20million ;)
Seems like old johnny "" is now offering courses aswell, got an offer to do a course in NZ at a polytechnic but when i rung them they hadnt a clue what i was talking about.
had this same one about 3 months ago e-mailed to me,my reply was fuckee-offee!.
they e-mailed back:you too bitch!.
no need for that i thought,theyll get nothing from me now!!.
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