? year old advanced scaffolder


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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Northwest England
over the coming months im going to ask questions and hopefully expose flaws in some of the training providers failures and self serving requirements that they include in their courses and training enviroments!

this is to combat the sustained attack on extremely skilled tradespeople in my mind that scaffolders are with constant changes to the rules and regulations that i believe have a premise of
profit for a few behind them,rather than safety for all !

we all as a collective have a vast array of not only knowledge but more power and clout than some of us might think,views on all sides are welcomed,we need to expose flaws such as -

1 the pull test non-inclusion in the part 2 thus making the possibility of building independents over 4m high, by a gang only containing part2's with no pull test training illegal !

2 is it correct that a lad after 2 years training is allowed to become an advanced scaffolder

i ask the next question because with all the safety and welfare that we are asked to do is it right then that a scaffolder after only 2 years experience should be allowed to have an advanced card,,,,

to me it makes a mockery that they ask for safety with one hand yet take the cash off inexperienced blokes with the other

law makers quash idiotic rules and regulations all the time so to make a mockery out of them would i believe be invaluable to getting rid of the ridiculous ones

this isnt for my own agenda,i will remain totally anonymous,this is about the working man standing up for himself and having a voice,

im not a member of the sccr as i went to send off my payment and realised in good conscience some people who couldnt afford it wouldnt get the same priveledge,however at the moment i do believe their intetions are honourable,

theres dirt on everyone and im sick of these parasitic bodies of whatever their interest making money from my spanner,so lets dig and hit these fukers back where it hurts !

collate the information and put it out their to everyone eg.anybody who goes for training ask them to incorporate a pull test or your cards not worth a carrot,tell them you wont give them your funding till they do,phone different providers till they change,cash is king to them aswell !

gone on a bit i know but i genuinely believe this forum could change things,call it naive but youve got to stand for what you believe in :wacko:
if done properly this could lead to a wealth of good info for trainees and trainers and also as joe says expose some things that maybe need looking at very good idea in my opinion.
should definetly be longer to get advanced,how many times have you met kids that havent got a clue thinking they can put anything up. i put off doing my advanced for years to prove that tickets mean fook all. iv said many times before most of the worst scaffolders iv met are advanced .i always found the lads that had there advanced were the c0cksuckers and grasses that were hanging out the gaffers asses
Good scaffolders = Experience simple as that my opinion it takes 10 years before you really have a good amount under your belt
5-7 years advanced with practical experienced proved!!!

Please please please tell me what you think your going to achieve writing all your gripes down on a forum is going to achieve??seriously though are you thick?you rambled on there like your gonna make some big change,pathetic!its all you ever go on about you sad boring man,go find bono and bob geldof and "make a diffrence"

Good to hear from you again The Master. Helpful as ever!!!
Master, you're right.

But not as right as you think. Unfortunately many are like you, like to fart out their opinions then do nothing at all to change things. Lack or will or laziness.

Then there's a few who are willing to put in the time and effort needed to get things done, to change things for the better. Its not a bad trait in a man.
I understand what Joebag is saying and it is so important to how we all make our living.

I would add one question. Who advised, guided and plotted in the Working at Height Regulations 2005 and what wrongs they were trying to right? This document destroyed many competent scaffolder and created the training provider gravy train.
im really trying to understand the basis and premise of the nasc organisation,what incentives are their for companies to sign up to this and what benefits are their apart from maybe contracts awarded to only nasc outfits ?
aom fill me in ;)
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