Would like to try and get a job in scaffolding!! any tips??


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Aug 8, 2011
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hey guys,

i am currently looking for a change of job (not the best climate i know) and have always liked the idea of scaffolding. if any body has any tips or would like to let me know how they started out would be much appreciated.


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Im currently working in a warehouse/driving forklift but have been doing so for the past 4years time for a change.
How old are you ?
I was taken on under a 3 year apprenticeship type system when I was 16. But I am sure they take up to 18 year olds.
Failing that ring round the scaffolding companies in your area to see if they are looking for labourers, get a Labourers CISRS card which involves doing a H&S test (which your employer may pay for) do your six month min labouring then you can take your part 1 scaffolding and start your journey to becoming a scaffolder !!!
Good luck
i am 21. how long have you been doing it now? how do you find the work? ill be on the phone tomorrow calling around thanks for your advice i relies there will be a lot of training involved but sure ill enjoy it.

thanks :)
well i hope you get sorted mate!!!! done the warehouse for rumbelows electrical many years ago hated it unless your a olde git you wont remember it and the chain of shops lol!!!! you go for it scottw a change does us all good mate!!!
Actual on tools for a little over 10 years mate with a little break (large) !!! lol
I'm just getting back in to the game now and have done a couple of jobs at weekend for some lads I know (easing myself back in gently). I'm looking to go back full time end of Aug. As for looking for work, well there's this forum, people you know or will get to know and my favourite, just ring round !!! lol
I can honestly say I've never struggled to find work scaffolding
Hello Scott.

Scaffolding can be physically draining, depending on who you work with and what firm you work for. (mentally draining if you work with a complete dim-low, lol.)
Some Scaffolders wanna be heroes to look good/act macho and some firms want you to break your back everyday - so they can earn more profit.

If your not particularly fit or strong, its not the end of the world, as you will adapt in time, but being fit and healthy would be an advantage.
21 aint a bad age to start, as you'll be old enough to know what things are what, but you'll be young enough to not be too set in your ways. :)

  • How tall are you? - Height helps.
  • Are you left handed? - Left handed Scaffolders tend to be better, then right handed ones. ;)
  • Are you thick skinned? - You'll be amazed how much bitching goes on in Scaffolding.

Id recommend doing some research online into Scaffolding, before making a decision.
Then phoning about some Scaffolding firms asking if they are looking for Scaffold Labourers.

Like i said to another guy before, dont let a boss mug you off with your day rate.
Depending where you live, London labourers should be on about £60-£80 a day and presumably less for other areas, if cost of living is less and such.

Actually, here is the link to what i said to another guy, who asked the same thing: Looking to get into scaff - post #5.

Good luck mate.
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