Working Near the underground


Jul 31, 2010
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Does anyone know how close you can be to the London underground before you need permits etc etc

Iam pricing a job that is on a lower roof , the underground is an open tunnel and at least 12 meters deep from ground level , we will be erecting the scaffold about 3m-4m away from the edge but as you go up you can see the trainns,

my question is do i need to inform London underground and will we need any permits to work there ?
you will need to speak to london underground as regards to this matter you will more than likely require to have the correct permits to work near the underground you may also require pts or track safety cards
i seem to remember it is the height of the job. IE 10m high job must be more than 10m away but i cant remember why i think that.
However i remember one job i quoted 5 or 6 years ago that was close to the underground line in newcastle. The client flatly refused to listen to nexus and in the end nexus had to make theyre own arrangements at theyre cost. Might be that because it is on private land london underground have no authority.
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My understanding when I went for my PTS (personal track safety) card to work on or near the under ground railway lines you need a PTS card which includes AC and DC if you are working within 3.00m of the track if you are further then that you are ok but still there might insist you still need a permit to work if you are anywhere on there land and also there might insist you build and scaffolds with tubes no longer then 3.00m lengths so it can quickly be dismantled if it goes over so the lines can open ASAP. or and a massive fine.

I Hope this helps...
hi tac

just done my pts last week pts only applies to any trackside work on network rail last year done a half day LUL course which only allows you access on to london underground infrastructure any work you have to do then i think you will need a LUCAS card

Thanks i think i will contact London Underground to be on the safe side even though we are no where near the lines
Good luck Phillio.

I hope you win the job....
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