Working close to railway lines


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
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Where can I find information/rules for scaffolding buildings close to railway lines
And dose my company have to be an approved railway scaffolding contractor
As long as the scaffold is within the boundry line of the property you'll be ok. Once you pertrude past you'll have to inform railtrack, you may then have to erect the scaffold out of hours with a pts operative as lookout...
Just a thought, what if your just within the boundary but going up several lifts. I would have thought rail track would need to be informed.
Im not fully up on the rules tony. But im sure theres lads on here that could shed some further light on this subject.
Was doing a job in fulham next to the railway track
But within our boundarys and railway people
Stopped us working and client had to write to
Them informing of works they were doing!
We did a job 20metres from the track but because the job was higher than the distance from the track we had to inform railtrack
Can be a lot of agro them jobs, no green netting, length limits on tubes ect..
Even worse if there are power lines next to or above the track. Insurance proven to rail company.... Good luck
If you are pricing a job and see a railway near stick £5K on the price because by the time your finished and with all the agro that goes with it your gonna need it.
On north end road opposite 3 kings pub!
Think it's west ken station there!
Boundary lines not a guarantee. .if your tube can fall across the lines during erection then theres all kinds of make it ten large and get some eggs as I found out the hard way that train drivers swear more than us !
To put it simply..
If the scaffold fell, could it affect public/rail or vehicles, if the answer is yes, then you must have a signed off form 2&3 design, and follow network rail rules
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