
dave b 2

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
chorley lancs
us scaffs are fooked why is it when im off work i feel more fooked than a good day graftin and im smashed to tears dont get me wrong i like bein with the family but being off smashes my head no end:nuts:
i always feel the same mate i get bored real fast always need to be doing something , oh well i suppose the pub might have to get a look , would be rude not to :toung:
us scaffs are fooked why is it when im off work i feel more fooked than a good day graftin and im smashed to tears dont get me wrong i like bein with the family but being off smashes my head no end:nuts:

been off the last week dave havent done fcuk all no motivation havent even
got me beachcaster out for a bit of fishing makes you like a victor meldrew
i dont believe it. then you get back to work and you wish you were at home
lmfao. so true though dave.
its bad isnt it the wife knows me like she just laughs lol im up early every day then it sets in wot r u going 2 do with yourself now my minds saying WORK WORK i was up at half 4 this morning cooking stuff 4 r party 2morow oh well DRINK pmsl
i normaly help in the kitchen dave i open the wine for her. 4 oclock i was in noddy land lol,
Got this one sorted chaps. You should all do as I did. Buy a house 50 yds from the pub, Its 145 steps there, and between 347 and 560 steps home. Sorted.

Merry xmas all you scaffs out there. 4th of jan will be with us sooner than wanted...:D:D
i to live 50 yards from pub still cant find my way home happy christmas to you all
its probly to do with us being so inteligent,and when we are working,we are thinking of how to solve problems,when we arnt working it takes a bit longer than usual for our minds to wind down,so to sort this problem,we drink,fastest way ive found to wind down.:D
Lucky I have loads of paperwork to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bonus I have loads of wood to cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pubs not that far ring the misses when I need to come home:D:D
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