
YES PHILLIO I'm with you on this one WELL DODGY
ive heard its being removed and exported to America and is being used as the prototype for the wall on the mehico border;)
Chappies, the photos show the scaff on the exterior defence walls, (nearly right Happy!) They are being re-pointed with a few replacement stones and removal of the weeds and shrubs, what you see is just a small portion of the walls and they are over 1.0meter thick with a ashphelt topping which also has to be replaced along with alot of the paths and tarmac area's. Thats before they start on any of the buildings which will all have to be done!!!

The MOD has leased this place for years and not spent any money on the upkeep and as they are moving out they have to return it all to it's original condition, before handing it back to the Crown estate. This will cost the MOD (US) hundreds of thousand if not it will touch the million pound mark.

How do I know, we turned it down at tender stage!!!!!!!!!!
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