Why are we being monitered on site?

Rev up!!

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
Reaction score
west midlands
I were on a site a week ago security says we cant leave the premises at break most of us said fek that. So the long jackets pushed for all of us to sign out everytime we leave and back in again.im a mooron type character and sometimes tend not to believe what government say or anyone not having the masses best interest 1st. so after questioning the regime 3days later get told im off the job for non compliance. fair enough i said but was left feelin quiet spyed on and backbitten by my own supervisor. just thoght id share it with the forum because that was probly the most dodgyiest site ive been on ever. Also i might add, security came up to me out the blue and said to me ''we got the power to stop and search aswell'' i wer fumin. it must be me i attract unwanted attention or am i the dodgy 1.
Most sites ask you to sign in & out in case of a fire etc. Need to know how many are left in the building.

Also the search is in case you nicked a bath room suite & got it in your belt instead of your step up :D:eek:
they said that to me but it was still dodgy i was parked accross the st im not in the habit of having a accident sitting in the car now.:weird:
i can understand the login in and out but not aloud to leave site ante come across that one it was either millitary or some doggie x asda security guard lol.
I was on a site before and they told us we had to eat in the canteen and NOT allowed to eat in our cars in the car park. Needless to say I only lasted 2 weeks.
We Pay for our own lunch breaks lads, 8.00am to 4.30 pm that half hour for lunch is ours, we can go where we want it is our time,however, if the Employer wants to pay for our break, so be it 41.5 hour week instead of 39hrs
I once pissed in the hot water urn in the brickies cabin before allan, they were giving me Sh1t over a lift that had dropped (they overloaded it to the bollox) saying it was all my fault. I said fair enough and at 12.45 went and had a piss in their cabin. Went in at 1.15 to see half of em with cuppa's :laugh:
your dinner break your time,go to and from where you want.as for stop and search no chance,they can search your locker as they provide that but your pockets and bag are PRIVATE property so no jumped up security can question this.
I once pissed in the hot water urn in the brickies cabin before allan, they were giving me Sh1t over a lift that had dropped (they overloaded it to the bollox) saying it was all my fault. I said fair enough and at 12.45 went and had a piss in their cabin. Went in at 1.15 to see half of em with cuppa's :laugh:

you should tell them what u did to mrs mop!!!
Hahaha forgot about that. No John, I will lose the somewhat little respect that I have earned from my fellow Scaff Forumers. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
come on vancover leeds londonboy cant be that bad can it or is it lol.
there ante much we ante heard whats it got to do with mrs mop????
Thanks chaps

Thanks for ur responses guys.Im always one that hates to cast judgement on affairs, but Things are gettin from bad to worse out there.
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