whose to blame for compensation culture?

  • Thread starter steveo south east
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steveo south east

I thought I would start this thread rather than hi jacking AOM

The question is up the top my thoughts are the solicitors are fueling an industry for themselves granted there are alot of real claims that do need solicitors but alot are scaring people into paying out thousands for nothing

I had a accident in my car last year and have had three calls from solicitors asking to represent me for compensation is this right or wrong
In the trade they are called ambulance chasers, a lot is fuelled by the legal people. If you are off work watching tv during the day every other advert is for a claim.

As you may have read in the news recently negligence is going to have to be proven now so a lot of claims will be dismissed before they get anywhere near court as no win no fee wont take them on unless you pay first.

Legal Aid has been shaken up as well so a lot more people miss out i.e. the working class and poor. One of the big reasons why UK taxpayers will suffer is we have a Jordanian terrorist in London on legal aid with some of Europes top Barristers and QC's representing him, On the human rights law that Cherie Blair championed her husband to pass so her practice who specializes in it can make their fortune.
To be fair to the barristers they are just doing a job. It is a British right to have legal representation if so desired. Most people in the world exploit something if they can see money to be made. Its just business.
Didn't the claim culture originate in the USA? MacDonalds and the hot coffee? In Australia for years tow trucks used to cruise around waiting for a traffic accident. At sea salvage rights were always a big earner.
My ex wife was an absolute expert in making insurance claims. She had her jewellery stolen 4 times!!
cracking post simian and too fecking true.
as regards claims in the workplace etc HSE has to take a wee bit of blame in that it is a double edged sword at times.
the fact that if you are in a bump with your car and all sorts start phoning you up is surely wrong WHO HAS SOLD YOUR DETAILS AND BREECHED YOUR PRIVACY ?;)
I thought I would start this thread rather than hi jacking AOM

The question is up the top my thoughts are the solicitors are fueling an industry for themselves granted there are alot of real claims that do need solicitors but alot are scaring people into paying out thousands for nothing

I had a accident in my car last year and have had three calls from solicitors asking to represent me for compensation is this right or wrong

weve all had it and sad to say anyone are looking anywhere to get money fake claims are the worst but we all have a duty of care to ourselves aswell as to others its a shame folk cant counterclaim when its clear just chancers
Even police are at it now, WPC sueing a garage she visited after they reported a break in, she tripped over a kerb now she sueing them unbelievable!!
Dandaps, There Is A Documentry On This Week About How Many Police Officers Claim Personal Injuries, Its Shocking. Whats Next Firefighters Suing If They Get Smoke Inhalation? Thats The Reason My Public Liability Insurance Premiums Are So High.
The legal aid shake up is because we are skint and have been paying an inordinate amount of cash to t0ssers to defend or sue other t0ssers without risking a thing as we were picking up the tab. Anyone who is in danger of loosing their home or under threat of violence will still be due legal aid. I reckon, it's no bad thing.

It will be interesting to see how the copper gets on proving negligence and no legal aid.
The legal aid shake up is because we are skint and have been paying an inordinate amount of cash to t0ssers to defend or sue other t0ssers without risking a thing as we were picking up the tab. Anyone who is in danger of loosing their home or under threat of violence will still be due legal aid. I reckon, it's no bad thing.

It will be interesting to see how the copper gets on proving negligence and no legal aid.

Bet this exscuse of a shining example is persuaded to quietly drop the claim now it's public knowledge,then quietly ghosted out of the force with a large payoff curtesy of the hardworking minority :mad:
haha, she got you BF didn't she? No wonder though, a disgrace but persuading her from her course could also be frowned upon, not sure how it all works from the boys in blue but I'm sure they have their ways. I hope there is no pay out though, maybe a few years on crossing patrol at one of the many country schools round here baw deep in snow might be in order. My brother always reckoned that was half their problem, never worked any other job in their life before joining up and telling us all how to do it, a bit like your local safety rep.;)
If a public servant is injured in the line of duty and suffers proper injury then fair enough,but she fell of the feckin kerb ffs,she's supposed to be setting an example:mad:you can bet the same copper will be at home on the sick on full pay for as long as possible,milking tax payers money for all it's worth,people with them morals should not be in the force,would you trust her not to let her family and friends off whilst nailing you and me to the floor?or accepting a wedge of the local drugdealer?mmm,very suspect morals if you ask me:notrust:
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