Whose job is it to make sure a scaffolder is Qualified?


Aug 29, 2012
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Was just wondering if any of you can help me. You guys see to have an intimate knowledge on all things scaffolding.
If somebody is erecting a scaffold with just a labourers card and the HSE turn up and discover he's not qualified, who is liable, the labourer in question or the company that sent him out there to do it?

Any feedback appreciated.

The company that sent him to do the job will be hung from the short and curly's for sure. There are some occasions where men can get caught up in a prosecution but mainly for health and safety breaches like failing to wear PPE issued and the like. Are you the labourer or the company?
Maybe just an impartial third party ;).

Nah I'm the labourer. I've been in the job for nearly 15 years and am perfectly competent At what I do just the firm I've been working for for the past 5 years refuse to put me through my ticket. Had a run in with a safety officer today who told me "I'd be hearing from her."
Did she find anything wrong with the scaffolding or the way you were working?
No I was doing everything by the book. The only thing she was concerned about was the lack of a ticketed scaffolder. Just making sure I wasn't in the SHlT here. Don't mind the company being strung up. Couldn't happen to a nicer firm really :/
The company are required to check your credentials; you are required to tell them when you are not “qualified” to do something (even when you are able to do it)
The company are required to check your credentials; you are required to tell them when you are not “qualified” to do something (even when you are able to do it)

The company are well aware of how (un)qualified I am. They've had plenty of chances to put me on my course. They even went so far as to book me on but pull the plug last minute as we were too busy.
I just wanted to check I wasn't going to get hauled up before a court.

Thanks for the replies, guys.
No bother tubeguy, I was in a similar position a good few years back and just did it myself. When I got back the first thing the company asked me for was a copy of my new tickets, they got told right where to go. I think that's a disgrace not sending you especially after 5 years of service, they deserve whats coming to them and fear not as you are in the clear my friend.
I suppose he was. Technically we're the scaffold worlds answer to the chuckle brother.

"To me,"
"To you."
I suppose he was. Technically we're the scaffold worlds answer to the chuckle brother.

"To me,"
"To you."

ahaha nice 1

while were on this so if i were to get nabbed by hse or who ever it a case for the employer to answer as av only been wid a charge hand a hand full of time since doing my part 2 no assesment and it would be a case of to it or walk, wouldent mind walking lol but not financially viable to do it atm, got another 1 if you told to dirve a van wagon and it turns out your not insured to drive it for what ever reason not 28 not 25 not been driving 19 years whos liable for that then the emplore or would the dirver licence be taken away from them to or recive points ?
This is also the site managers job to check you competence with the status of your card. He is also accountable.
Your company whom you work for has a duty to supply supervison. Ideally a basic scaffolder on the same site to check your work. If the structures are basic only. Please don't tell me you've been signing handover Certs!
Pm me for more details.
This is also the site managers job to check you competence with the status of your card. He is also accountable.
Your company whom you work for has a duty to supply supervison. Ideally a basic scaffolder on the same site to check your work. If the structures are basic only. Please don't tell me you've been signing handover Certs!
Pm me for more details.

Officially as a labourer I'm only allowed on the scaffolding if it's fully boarded and handrailed. I don't have a trainee card. Just a labourers one. Technically I shouldnt even be erecting, supervised or not.

whos liable for that then the emplore or would the dirver licence be taken away from them to or recive points ?

That would be the drivers liability. It's the drivers duty to make sure he's legit to drive a company vehicle.
If there is ,can someone post it. Ide love to see it.

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 PM ----------

If there is ,can someone post it. Ide love to see it.

My view to the question is only another scaff could tell you if your qualified, just looking at your work. A site manager can only look at your tickets. He aint got a scooby.
Think they get round it with the word 'competent' which in health and safety terms means qualified' knowledge and experience, so in a roundabout way you would need some sort of ticket or ert to.

Isn't it just that cisrs isn't required by law you just have to prove you've been trained, hence the cisrs card is being bounded about

I think!!
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