whats wrong with this place!!!


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
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Edinburgh / North Sea
i am on the verge of losing it! just witnessed a neighbour who is on benefits never worked a day, lives in a paid for house, step out her new 14 plate bmw 3 series!!! i feel like torching it!!! i nock my **** in for a living to support my family and afford our car and these people are flaunting the fact they do sweet f a and can enjoy those sort of luxuries?!!! not a happy chappy tonight:mad:

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

on a positive note though that was my 100th post on the forum!

happy days!
Happy hundred mate when you reach 1000 you get a nice pressie from admin............ A picture of a 3 series Beemer lol
Na I know what you mean there's one that lives up stairs she's got the lot the nice motor, bags etc if she wasn't such a good shag I'd feel the same as u mate
Must be a different breed mate. Cant help the fact im proud i work hard for the things my family have and get pissed off by ***** living on hand outs that somehow can afford things like that! You want nice things you go earn them, thats my opinion anyway.
Fair play mate to be honest i probably shouldn't let it bother me but the person in question rubs me up the wrong way as it is! Where i stay everyones knows your business before even you!! must be in the water round here, we'r all nosey ********!!
thats why these carnts get away with things,its in our dna not to grass.
I'd like to participate but I'm cashing my giro on the way to pick up the Benz from its 12,000 mile service.:nuts:
you say that fred thats in OUR genes not to grass but with all the foreign influx im certain they wouldnt think twice about dropping you in it!!!!!!!

horrible subject in truth theres different sides to grassing obviously the ones sticking their noses in other ppls business or who can benifit from someting are wronguns but i actually got into a massive row a nearly a full blown tear up with a pikey years ago in the pub over this............. me and my mate whlst having a fag outside stopped a skaghead mugging an old lady and once he had enough of getting hit he ran off, now we gave her a drink for the shock whilst waiting for the police anyways they turned up and asked what happened so we told them gave the discription etc but the lady didnt want to press charges and they took her home (sad really) and a pikey came up to me saying 'you never help old bill!!!! thats makes you a grass' ive gone mental obviously and got asked to leave the pub............ fooking bollox that stop an old woman gettingb mugged and get called a grass!!!! even now that winds me up has anyone else had similar
Boab you should have kicked the gypsies cuunt in for saying you called the old bill then phoned him an ambulance.
Your lucky it happened years ago because nowadays you would have got jailed for battering the junkie:mad:
Yep not wrong hap Phillios should know the pub as well lol but yes the junkie would have had his diminished responsibility card to play with fooking bollox

I remember something around your way with Arthur Thompson he appeared in court ( for something that actually happened to him lol) and once in the stand instead of giving evidence he remained silent as he didn't want to help the police and sorted it out his self
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