what to do??


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2009
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Ok so we have done a scaff on front of shop that had a new sign on just before we put scaffold up to access roof and change 2nd storey bay window. On completion the owner says can I pay 50% now and 50% once taken down because he needs to a contingency for any damage. Pays the 50% then two week later says that he has just noticed a big scratch on the sign which he says can only be the scaffolders. Now I put the job up so I know we have not damaged said sign.??
Just had the same done on us. Roofer kept £100 back in case we did any damage on taking down the scaff and now he says he's not paying it because we could not put another job up for him on the day he wanted it and says he lost that job as a result.

World is full of bullshitters and con artists.

Is your shop owner foreign by any chance?
Did you not get a photo of the shop front before the scaffold went up?

We try to get a shot of the properties elevations before so we have some back up, it's surprising how good the cameras are on phones these days!
Be polite and tell him you have not only photos but video of the sign before and after completion,

say its not a problem but please respond to my solicitor as he will be in touch......

make out its standard this happening and you expected it as it happens when people hold big retainers on the job and you dont take it personal as it keeps solicitors in work,

tell him you will be warning the other businesses close by as you have worked for a few and you wouldnt want them to lose money as you obviously have cash flow problems....

then wait till the business is full of people that he could maybe lend money if hes that desperate as someone should pay for his kids this xmas

In other words nail the cheap headworking kunt to the floor and tell him you take it as if hes snatched the spoon from your babies mouth.......never fuk with a mans money
Didn't get pics although I should have because I've come across this thing before. I put the job up so I know for a fact no damage was caused by us. It seems a bit too easy to say they keeping half of money for any damage and at the time is said fine I'm sure there won't be any damage then low and behold there supposedly a big scratch. Not only that it's Sunday on my day off whilst I was watching my son play rugby he decides to tell me.
If he doesn't pay just smash the sign up and repeat doing it to every new sign, that's what I'd do
Mate he doesn't know you havent filmed it thats my point, mention this to him and let him stew on it, mindgame the kunt right back , its the not knowing in life that does people in so let him sweat !
I also had a manager of a firm do this to me,a few years ago,the firm was paying for the scaffold on his personal home,so no money out his pocket,held fifty quid back till I took it down,then stood there with a smart arsed grin on his face,saying there was nowt I could do.so a day or so later,i was passing,and saw he was out,so got a knife from cab,and cut a foot long piece of telephone wire from his wall,£125 out his pocket for new wire,from lamp post to house.i still grin at him now when passing.
lol i would just go and smash the sign because until the sign has been repaired its mine . remeber arm wresteling on a marras table a shitt flat pack and our elbows when threw top skin of the table agreed we pay for a new 1 he said aye was 80 so we gave him 40 each goes up two week later he'd only made it his tv stand i said were new table he said **** bying that u daft **** paid for my night out lol table was out on the garden jumped on and my half put in the car lol as half that table was mine lol

I also had a manager of a firm do this to me,a few years ago,the firm was paying for the scaffold on his personal home,so no money out his pocket,held fifty quid back till I took it down,then stood there with a smart arsed grin on his face,saying there was nowt I could do.so a day or so later,i was passing,and saw he was out,so got a knife from cab,and cut a foot long piece of telephone wire from his wall,£125 out his pocket for new wire,from lamp post to house.i still grin at him now when passing.

lol love it the tv areals are another good 1 to cut specially on terrace houses .

and as above if he dosent replace the sign that is your sign as you have paid for it so yours to do with what you want marra
Unless your desperate for kit dandaps, i would leave the scaffold up and i would ranch board tge fecker all the way round so the cuunt cant get out.
Yer it's gonna stay up leave the ball in his court if wants play games then I'm game.
Will take pics plus he's paid half of invoice so that's the proof it's mine. Will do him for theft and will bill him for the gear then take him court
If its on public access put a sign high up on two standards saying scaffold will stay up till customer pays.....me personally as a fellow scaff wouldnt go near it also the shame factor might get him to pay up :nuts:
allways thought it was an un written rule amongst scaffs,not to touch each others jobs/gear.i still go by this now.
Gone are the days when you can just go do a job and get your money to many ---- wanting something out of you, you go to put a job up have to look over everything before you do it, as if things are not hard another with out all that ----.
I reckon the picture thing was the best advice and I do try and get as many pictures as I can before any scaffold goes up and after as we get complaints all the time. I think the worst was a few years back now we did a renovation and just completed the scaffold when the builder called me back to the job as thousands of pounds worth of doubly glazing had been cracked and it could only have been the scaffs. I knew it wasn't us as like you Dandaps, I had been on the job from start to finish. By the time I got to site, someone had already discovered that the double glazed units were all bust on the inside panel and cracked because they were fitted poorly.
This sort of thing goes on all the time,and it's the scaffs who always get the blame:mad:i try and cover most accidental damages in the t&c's,most clients don't bother to read the smallprint,it's a nice little victory though when they try it on and you can direct them to the paragraph that say's it's the clients responsibility to adequetly protect/remove any fittings/fixtures from incidental damage because we don't accept any liability lol,i've batted loads of chancers for six with this little gem,the downside is that you can end up with pages of t&c's to just try and cover yourself,incidently,if they have done their best to illiminate any breakages and its pure carelessness on our part,then i'll pay for the damages if i'm happy it was us that is:sad:
Tell him it's a nice looking shop he has, it would be a shame if it accidentally caught fire. . .
Can't believe it I nipped over yesterday to look at the so called damage. So I pull up and Builder is in van having a brew I'm standing there looking at sign thinking where's the f@cking damage so goes over to van ask builder what is the owner on about he says I think its there and points out a small very faint white v shaped scratch I climb up on scaff and literally lick my finger and wipe it off and not only that dropped my F@cking new phone on way up ladder. needless to say I was P!ssed Off!
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